
The idea of offloading 5G cellular data over WiFi is becoming very popular nowadays. Offloading data over active WiFi connection in Handsets may reduce the dependency on small cells in our environment, reduces the traffic at the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) and reduces the cost of setting up 5G infrastructure. Furthermore, offloading over WiFi does not compromise the 5G speed that is the huge amount of 5G data can be offloaded over WiFi connection in Handsets with the speed promised by the 5G cellular network. Many published paper suggested “delayed offloading” in which traffic will be delayed up to an allowed deadline if the WiFi connection is inactive or until the WiFi connection again becomes available. In this paper, we proposed a routing scheme for offloading 5G cellular data where the data at a user’s handset will first collect in WiFi queue to offload over WiFi and if the WiFi connection is inactive in the user’s handset then the data will wait in the queue for a given deadline and while it waits in the WiFi queue, the user’s handset will try to set up a device to device (D2D) connection with a neighboring handset with an active WiFi connection. When the deadline will reach for the data in the WiFi queue, the user data will be sent to the neighboring handset which has an active WiFi connection and which will allow the user’s data to be offloaded through it, otherwise, if no handset with an active WiFi connection is found in the environment, after the deadline the data will be sent in the typical gruesome manner to the BTS through several small cells.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

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