
EDtoolbox is a Matlab toolbox for computing sound reflections and diffractions for external scattering problems, in the time- or frequency-domain, for problems with Neumann boundary conditions.


Edge diffraction Matlab toolbox (EDtoolbox)

EDtoolbox is a Matlab toolbox for computing sound reflections and diffractions for external scattering problems, in the time- or frequency-domain, for problems with Neumann boundary conditions. As of version 0.2, only external, convex Neumann scattering problems can be handled. The frequency-domain version can handle high orders of diffraction, whereas only lower orders of diffraction have been implemented for the time-domain version.

Getting Started

Copy all these m-files to a folder ("EDtoolbox" could be a good name for that folder). Add the path to this folder in Matlab, e.g., by giving the Matlab command

>>addpath <path to the folder where you installed the m files>

Get two files from Mathworks (Matlab File Exchange): lgwt.m and DataHash.m. Store them somewhere, where Matlab finds them. Don't store them directly in the EDtoolbox folder! The reason is that if you update your EDtoolbox folder with 'pull' from this repository, any extra files that you have put in your EDtoolbox folder will be removed.

Get the files in the repository EDexamples, which has a few examples to get you started. In Matlab, you can, e.g., execute the file called EDexample_LspKessel_minimal.m, which should run the function EDmain_convexESIE and present a resulting frequency response in a plot window, and the geometrical model in another plot window.


You'll need Matlab, and those two files mentioned above, from Matlab File Exchange.

Running an example

Inside the folder EDexamples, you find some example script files which execute various simple examples.


The file EDtoolbox_manual.pdf gives some details about the EDtoolbox. The manual will be updated to some version of the toolbox, but possibly not the latest one. Also, the m-file EDversionhistory displays, in the Matlab command window, some documentation on changes in the toolbox.

Version numbering

A new version number is given whenever some change is made that affects the numerical results, for all or some cases. If there are just minor changes, e.g., to what is printed out on the screen, or some internal code improvement, then there will just be a date/time change.



This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Many people have contributed on a smaller and larger scale during more than twenty years of work. The last year, the collaboration with Sara Martin, Jan Slechta and Jason Summers is acknowledged in particular. Parts of this work have been financed through Sara Martin’s project ”Hybrid methods” funded by the Research Council of Norway, and through Jan Slechta’s stipend from the ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellowship Programme.