If you don't need details and just need to run app, just type these commands:
# if you don't have docker and docker-compose
chmod +x shell_helpers/*
sudo ./shell_helpers/install.sh
# and run
sudo ./shell_helpers/run.sh
Go to browser (address and have fun! To stop app use:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml down
Install docker and docker-compose:
chmod +x shell_helpers/*
sudo ./shell_helpers/install.sh
Build docker images:
# development version, build main image (django) from scratch
# django uses dev web-server
sudo docker-compose build
# for production, use prebuilt image with some initial data installed in image
# django uses nginx + gunicorn
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml pull
Create data directory:
mkdir data
Set up database:
(-f docker-compose.prod.yml if production)
sudo docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py migrate
Before first run, you should upload data to application db. Initially, production version has some data included in image and development version doesn't. To upload data to db, place it in data directory of application and run:
# add -f docker-compose.prod.yml if production
sudo docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py load_data
Prepared data for production is placed in image already, so that to upload it, run:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml run --rm django python manage.py load_data use_prepared
To start containers use:
# for development
sudo docker-compose up -d
# and for production
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
Now you can go to browser and explore application:
# development version
# production version
Django have powerful tools that allows us creating flexible and easy to use admin interface. We have set up several for managing scrapped conferences and modify their links (edges). To use it, first of all, create superuser:
# add -f docker-compose.prod.yml if it is production
sudo docker-compose run --rm django python manage.py createsuperuser
>> enter credentials
Now go to, login and have fun. (replace for appropriate url if production)