
Collection of Jupyter notebooks demonstrating graphics and other fun stuff - see README

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ipython_notebooks by Terry Spitz

  1. Futoshiki solver: Solver for Sudoku-like puzzles from http://www.futoshiki.org/

  2. Functional Images

  3. Temperature: My dad went away for Xmas with his heating on the blink, asking me to check the house every day. What better excuse for an IoT internet connected thermometer! Based on an ESP8266 and instruction at http://www.instructables.com/id/Temperature-Monitor-with-ESP8266-IoT/. Took a few hours to build the hardware and IoT site upload of the temperature data. Took another much more frustrating few hours to upload the single line of Python in this notebook to an Azure site.


  4. Fontvolve: Generic algorithm to evolve a letter outline. Can you tell what this one is??


  5. deeperfont: Neural Network attempt at the font problem. Using Keras and Tensorflow, my small network attempts to capture the structure of a set of letters and numbers from a single font.

    deeper deeper

  6. Make-Taeuber-Arp: An art-generator in the style of Sophie Taeuber-Arp.... inspired by her Google Doodle.


  7. Caustics Animation in numpy Here we attempt to render the effect of light rays refracting through a water surface perturbed by waves.
