
## Background WAKE UP SHEEPLE! The extra-terrestrial menace has come to Earth and we here at `ALIENS-R-REAL` have collected all of the eye-witness reports we could to prove it! All we need to do now is put this information online for the world to see and then the matter will finally be put to rest. There is just one tiny problem though... our collection is too large to search through manually. Even our most dedicated followers are complaining that they are having trouble locating specific reports in this mess.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WAKE UP SHEEPLE! The extra-terrestrial menace has come to Earth and we here at ALIENS-R-REAL have collected all of the eye-witness reports we could to prove it! All we need to do now is put this information online for the world to see and then the matter will finally be put to rest.

There is just one tiny problem though... our collection is too large to search through manually. Even our most dedicated followers are complaining that they are having trouble locating specific reports in this mess.

I will write code that will create a table dynamically based upon a dataset provided. I will also need to allow our users to filter the table data for specific values. I will only use pure JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and D3.js on our web pages. They are the only coding languages which can be trusted.

My Task

Before I Begin I Will:

  1. Create a new repository for this project called UFO Sightings.

  2. Clone the new repository to my computer.

  3. Inside my local git repository, create a directory for the Javascript project.

  4. Add my html files to this folder as well as your static folder containing your javascript. This will be the main script to run my analysis.

  5. Push the above changes to GitHub or GitLab.

  6. Ensure your repository has a thorough README.md file

Level 1: Automatic Table and Date Search

  • Create a basic HTML web page or use the index.html file provided.

  • Using the UFO dataset provided in the form of an array of JavaScript objects, write code that appends a table to your web page and then adds new rows of data for each UFO sighting.

    • I will have a column for date/time, city, state, country, shape, and comment at the very least.
  • Use a date form in your HTML document and write JavaScript code that will listen for events and search through the date/time column to find rows that match user input