
sync put.io to a local directory

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

put.io sync

Synchronze directories from put.io to your local file system.

This script is intended to run as a cron job. put.io sync will.

put.io sync uses the put.io API v2.

  • recreate your put.io file structure locally
  • delete all files that allready have been downloaded from put.io
  • delete empty directories from put.io

After downloading an file the script can optionaly notify you via Pushpin.


  • node.js 0.10 or later (might work with older versions, havent tested it)
  • aria2 download manager


  • npm install
  • cp config.sample.js config.js
  • you need to enter some API keys into the config.js file. look at the links inside this file

aria2 can run in two modes: in command line mode or in rpc-server mode. rpc mode is now the default mode. You can turn it of be changing aria2c.useRPC to false in the config.

To learn how to setup aria2 in RPC mode read more here.


Syncing directories from put.io to a local directory call:

node sync.js -d put.io-directory-id -l /path/to/your/local/sync/dir

If you want to sync TV shows you might so using the -s parameter. The script expects a subdirectory for every TV Show and will try to move TV shows directly to the correct dir.

node sync.js -d put.io-tvshow-directory -s /path/to/your/tv-shows -l /path/were/all/the/rest/should/got/to