
Lovely PHP wrapper for using the command-line

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


What is it?

It's a beautiful way to use powerful Linux/Unix tools in PHP. Easily and logically pipe commands together, capture errors as PHP Exceptions and use a simple yet powerful syntax. Works with any command line tool automagically.


  • Flexible and sexy syntax.
  • Exceptions are thrown if the executable returns an error.
  • Paths to binaries are automatically resolved.
  • All arguments are properly escaped.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use MrRio\ShellWrap as sh;

// List all files in current dir
echo sh::ls();

// Checkout a branch in git
sh::git('checkout', 'master');

// You can also pipe the output of one command, into another
// This downloads example.com through cURL, follows location, then pipes through grep to 
// filter for 'html'
echo sh::grep('html', sh::curl('http://example.com', array(
	'location' => true

// Touch a file to create it

// Remove file

// Remove file again (this fails, and throws an exception because the file doesn't exist)

try {
} catch (ShellWrapException $e) {
	echo 'Caught failing sh::rm() call';

// This throws an exception, as 'invalidoption' is not a valid argument
try {
	echo sh::ls(array('invalidoption' => true));
} catch (ShellWrapException $e) {
	echo 'Caught failing sh::ls() call';

// Commands can be written multiple ways
sh::git('reset', array('hard' => true), 'HEAD');
sh::git('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD');
sh::git(array('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'));

// Arguments passed in are automatically escaped, this expands to
// date --date '2012-10-10 10:00:00'
echo sh::date(array(
	'date' => '2012-10-10 10:00:00'

// If arg keys are one letter, is assumes one dash prefixing it
// date -d '2012-10-10 10:00:00'
echo sh::date(array(
	'd' => '2012-10-10 10:00:00'


Interactive Shell

ShellWrap also ships with an interactive shell mode. You can access this by typing:



Don't use any user inputted data with these commands. Even with very paranoid filtering, you can't know all the potential pitfalls of each command you're using. Use your noggin.


Inspired by the Python project sh by Andrew Moffat