Bookstore API


This is a RESTful API for a bookstore, built using Go, Docker, PostgreSQL, and Nginx. The API supports operations like creating users, adding books to inventory, and writing reviews.


  • User authentication
  • Inventory management
  • Writing and viewing book reviews
  • Admin functionalities
  • HTTPS support via Nginx
  • Reverse proxy using Nginx


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Go 1.21.0 or higher


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder

    cd vit-2025-summer-engineering-internship-task-35C4n0r
  3. HTTPS Configuration for Local Development

    This project uses HTTPS for secure communication. For local development, you can generate a self-signed SSL certificate using OpenSSL. Run the following command: Place them in a folder certs in the root directory of the project.

    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost"

    I've already added the certificates in certs/* for ease of use.

  4. Environment Variables

    The project uses the following environment variables:

    • DB_HOST: Database host name
    • DB_USER: Database user
    • DB_PASSWORD: Database password
    • SERVER_PORT: Port for the Go application
    • SERVER_SECRET: Secret for JWT generation
    • ADMIN_SECRET: Secret for admin functionalities

    I've already added all of the above variables to the docker-compose.yml for ease of use

  5. Build and start the Docker containers

    docker-compose build
    docker compose up


Once the containers are up, the API will be available at https://localhost/api/.

API Endpoints

Public Routes

  • GET /: Sanity check to test the server.
  • POST /register: Register a new user.
  • POST /login: Login and receive a JWT token.

Protected Routes

These routes require a JWT token in the Authorization header.

General Routes

  • GET /middleware: Checks if middleware is functioning correctly.
  • POST /deactivate: Deactivate a user's account.
  • DELETE /delete: Delete a user's account.

Book Routes

  • GET /books: Search for books.
  • POST /cart: Add a book to the cart.
  • PUT /cart: Update the quantity of an item in the cart.
  • DELETE /cart/:isbn: Remove a book from the cart.
  • GET /cart: Retrieve items in the cart.
  • POST /purchase: Purchase items in the cart.

Review Routes

  • POST /review: Add a review for a book.
  • GET /review: Retrieve reviews for a book.

Download Route

  • GET /download/:isbn: Download a book.

Admin Routes

These routes require admin privileges.

  • POST /admin/add: Add a new book to the database.
  • DELETE /admin/delete/:isbn: Remove a book from the inventory.
  • PUT /admin/update: Update the details of a book.