
Typescript util for making https requests

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Provides convenient apis to make http requests and handle the responses, eliminates boilerplate code. It is basically a wrapper over XHR requests (uses fetch).


The main API of the library is createMethod. This creates a ready to use function with some settings already embedded into it.

createMethod(method, baseUrl, defaultOptions)


Parameter Description Type Required
method HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, etc. String Yes
baseUrl Base url of the request path (will be prefixed the final url). When not specified
relative path will be used /
String No
defaultOptions Request options that will be used by default. See details below Object No


Parameter Description Type Required
headers Extra headers you would like to pass Object No
withCredentials Flag whether to include cookies in the request (defaults to false) Boolean No
mode Request mode String No
params Search params object. Will be trasnformed to query string and
appended to the request url
Object No

createMethod returns a function with the following signature:

method(endpointUrl, body, options)


Parameter Description Type Required
endpointUrl The request endpoint. Will be appended to the baseUrl String Yes
body Request body Object No
options Request options. See details above. This will be merged with defaultOptions specified at createMethod Object No


  import { createMethod } from '@35up/http-client';
  const put = createMethod(
      withCredentials: true, 
      headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
  // And then just use it to make an http request
  const result = await put('/order', {sku: '12345'}, {mode: 'cors'});

The returned value is a promise with decoded response body.

In case response fails, method throws an exception of type HttpError

HttpError inherits from Error class and has the following extra properties:

Property Description Type
responseStatus Status code (404, 500, etc.) Number
responseStatusText Status text (i.e. internal server error) String
data Reponse data. This may contain arbitrary object Object

Checking if thrown exception is of type HttpError

This is possible with isHttpError utility:

  try {
    await method(...);
  } catch(e) {
    if (isHttpError(e)) {
      // ... An http error happened. handle it here
    // Some other issue occured, deal with it in other way


The library also exposes ready to use methods that do not have a base url so you could bypass calling createMethod in case your api base url is the same as your website (using relative path):

  import { get } from '@35up/http-client';
  const result = await get('/api/v1/orders');

The available functions are: get, post, put, patch, deleteMethod, head;


The library supports both browser and node environments.

Http-client depends on the Fetch API. If you support older browsers which may not yet provide these natively (e.g. IE), consider including a global polyfill in your bundled application, such as fetch.