
HeckGuide website repo, written in django. Backend connects to the kingdoms of heckfire api via a supplied token and will crawl allies & each world's map and store results in a postgres database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Install Python

Install Postgres

Create and enter new working directory eg "HeckGuide"

Create Virtual Environment

py -m venv env

Activate Environment Mac/Unix

source env/bin/activate



Install requirements for local development

pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Fill in heckguide/sample.env and rename to .env

Make migrations and then run migrations

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Create a superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Generate an API token for the newly created superuser

python manage.py drf_create_token superusername

Run server

python manage.py runserver

Open website

Development website



Scrapes a set number of allies '5000' already in the database without fully populated info and fills them, then scrapes the owner and that owner etc. Depth set to '3'

python manage.py crawl_allies_by_name 5000 3

Scrapes allys by price '500000' and set number of pages '1', a random token will be picked to scrape.

python manage.py find_allies_by_price 500000 1

Scrapes allys by random price and random number of pages

python manage.py find_random_price_allies

Purchase an ally via supplied username with token

python manage.py buy_ally_by_name kevz 23

Volley an ally between tokens

python manage.py volley kevz

Strip a users allies, token must be given

python manage.py strip_allies kevz 23

Scrape the realm starting at the lower boundry of the map, loading 20 chunks and stepping through to the upper end, pick which realm to crawl passing the token argument

python manage.py crawl_world 1

Scrape the realms chat history

python manage.py poll_map 1