Bank-to-Bank Transaction Calculator Multiplaform App (for Peru)
💻 Web App - 🤖 Install on Android - 🍎 Install on iOS
✅ This project has diagrams to help you understand how it works! 📌
Hackbank is a mobile application that allows you to calculate the commissions and delays of a bank-to-bank transaction. It is designed for the Peruvian market. And it is available for Android, iOS and Web.
Hackbank is developed in React Native with Expo.
Linting is used with ESLint.
It consists of three screens (src/screens
- Form: User can fill in the data about a transaction.
- Result: User can review the prediction of commissions (and other elements) on the transaction.
- About: Information about the application, version, tutorials, etc.
graph TD
A[Hackbank Calculation Workflow] -->|Fill bank and transaction amount| B(Hackbank Calculator)
B --> C[Identify Bank2Bank correlation]
C --> D[Verify restrict amounts]
D --> E[Verify restrict date]
E --> F[Obtain all the restrictions and sent to user]
The operation of the prediction consists of the automatic review of a JSON file called Transfer Restriction Calculator (TRC from now on).
This TRC.json
file contains the rules by which the data of a transaction is evaluated.
"inputBank": "IBK",
"inputBankName": "Interbank",
"inputBankAccountType": "Cuenta Simple",
"outputBank": "SCO",
"outputBankName": "Scotiabank",
"outputBankAccountType": "Cuenta Free",
"restrictAmounts": [
"type": "maximum",
"amount": "10000",
"currency": "PEN"
"restrictDate": {
"days": "BUSINESS",
"hours": [
"start": "0:00",
"end": "04:30",
"type": "deferred_cut"
ABC bank provides a commission of 50
when the amount exceeds more than 500
So TRC has an object that contains information about that rule, and it warns that if it passes more than 50
, the commission will be applied.
If the user calculates that the source bank is ABC, and the destination bank is DEF, and the amount is 1000
. When calculating the result, the TRC is checked, and since there is this condition that ABC provides a condition of 50
when the amount exceeds more than 500
, Hackbank will inform the user of a commission.
To publish Hackbank, a Google and Apple developer account is required. To make the build I used EAS (Expo Application Services).
To publish in web I'm using Firebase Hosting. The following commands are used to deploy:
"predeploy": "expo build:web",
"deploy-hosting": "npm run predeploy && firebase deploy --only hosting"
I started this app at a Starbucks, while I wanted to send money I found that my transaction was going to be delayed. So I had the idea to create an application that could predict how a transaction would behave from one bank to another bank.
I started to create the sketches of the design in Figma. I designed four screens, one for the splash screen, another for the form, another for the result and for the information page (with contact).
Do you would like to contribute? Do you want to be the author of a new feature? Awesome! please fork the repository and make changes as you like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
You can also suggest features. Don't be afraid! 🤍
Distributed under the MIT License.
for more information.