Destiny Of The Universe Game Prologue

Welcome To Destiny Of The Universe Prologue, here we look at the history of the Universe in Alpha Version before we head to the future where battle lines are created, alliances are formed and we start to expand the game into the 12 Constellations Of The Universe and beyond.

Alpha Version (History)

It's a well known fact that the Galactic Alliance consists of 12 different races known as the 12 Major Constellation Factions Of The Universe which are split into 3 Elite Factions known as The Sun, The Moon and The Eclipse. Within each Elite Faction there are 4 Factions with a Leader, a Shadow, a Left Hand and a Right Hand. Each of the 4 Factions have 12 Clans split into tri-factions known as The Light, The Dark and The Grey now the Human civilization originated from the planetary Galaxy called Lira. Lira is at the center of the universe and is a part of The Sun faction called Signum.

To keep the peace every Galactic Precession the 12 Major Constellation Factions Of The Universe would come together for the Alliance Tournament in the Super Hyperspace Arena to meet and compete for the Star Trophy. The Star Trophy gives the winning race the Leadership Of The Universe. The importance of the games would allow Factions to show their skill sets and attributes that made that species great in friendly competition with the goal of strengthening ties among the races. The last game was won by Signum the human civilization led by the leader of The Sun and Head of the Light clan Queen Supreme Kareena Ka’ree.

The games led to a great renaissance where the Universe flourished and enjoyed a great period of growth and prosperity. Little had everyone known that there was a stirring among the more darker parts of the Galactic Alliance. The Drako, The leader of The Moon and Head of Etherium grew resentful of the other races because they never won the Star Trophy and were never seen as a major player in the Galactic Alliance due to always finishing last in the Alliance Tournaments. They are a race that wants power and will do anything to grab it as that is how they became the leader of the shadowy group. They also delve in Genetic Technology and were known to be a very resourceful race.

It seems the stars would align for The Drako Leader Lord Drakonis as he overheard the Head of Burstonia and twin brother to Queen Ka’ree, Lord Burston talking about his disgruntlement of not being the Head of the family and not having the throne wanting it for himself. Lord Drakonis took no time in assembling a plan to get Burstonia and all his allies to fall under his ruling. His plan was to give Lord Burstonia what he wanted and make him the leader of the Signum but in return Lord Drakonis wanted to know all the weaknesses of Signum and their allies so Lord Drakonis could strike them behind their back and make them submit to his ruling. Burstonia quickly agreed to the terms so at the next Galactic Alliance Tournament they plotted to take out Signum and wipe the other Elites not allied with them.

The day finally came for the plans to be set in motion, everyone consistent of most of the Dark alliances throughout the 12 Major Constellation Factions Of The Universe with Drako as their leader calling themselves The Dark Legions were told to be ready.

Draco gives the order to Attack and The Dark Legions ambush with a decisive blow, chaos envelops among the 12 Major Constellations Faction Of The Universe and as The Dark Legions took out Signum first then the majority of the Elite Factions that are not aligned with the Dark Legions but unbeknown to Burstonia and his people that Lord Drakonis and his people didn’t stop there, they then used their mind manipulation abilities to turn on the humans on themselves and nearly wiped most of them out. Burstonia yelled out “What are you doing”? But it was too late as he quickly realized that most of his friends, family and alliance were dying around him; he fled with heavy thoughts and vowed vengeance on The Dark Legions.

But some humans escaped to the far reaches of the Universe and one of those places was a planet called Earthonia. An eon would pass and these stories would be told and before long they would become myths and legends. The humans would almost forget who they once were but they would go onto colonize this planetary system. It wouldn't be long before war broke out among themselves as they would fight over land, resources and betrayal but a bigger war was coming where a truce would need to be implemented to survive the new invaders. This is the start of the monoGames Metaverse journey...

The 12 Major Constellations Faction

1. Signum Faction - Gemini (Elite Faction SUN)

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Ka'ree of the Hypertel Clan - Head of Signum, the Elite Faction SUN and the Leader of The Galactic Alliance
    • Cyiam of the Invisibility Clan
    • Frank of the Flying Clan
    • Harrii of the Psychic Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Burstonia of the Resurrection Clan and Right Hand of Signum
    • Riccoo of the Sound Clan
    • Bratyan of the Body Manipulator Clan
    • Johnnii of the Pyro Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • JJoz of the Heal Clan and Left Hand of Signum
    • Ohay of the Magic Clan
    • Blank of the Archer Clan
    • Nixo of the Melee Clan

2. Ethereum Faction - Leo (Elite Faction MOON)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Drako of the Darkness Clan - Head of Ethereum, the Elite Faction MOON and the Right Hand of The Galactic Alliance
    • VitaLink of the Shifter Clan
    • Solidiety of the Soul Manipulator Clan
    • Charlez of the Drifter Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Gwoods of the Lightning Clan and Right Hand of Ethereum
    • Anthoney of the Thunder Clan
    • Lubine of the Water Clan
    • EClassic of the Ice Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • EV Machine of the Heal Clan and Left Hand of Ethereum
    • ERC of the Magic Clan
    • HardHat of the Archer Clan
    • NPruyma of the Melee Clan

3. Hive Faction - Libra (Elite Faction ECLIPSE)

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Dave of the Magic Clan - Head of Hive, the Elite Faction ECLIPSE and the Left Hand of The Galactic Alliance
    • Blocktread of the Heal Clan
    • Peak of the Archer Clan
    • Leofi of the Melee Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Killgour of the Wind Clan and Right Hand of Hive
    • Cryptollama of the Air Clan
    • Rstar of the Cloud Clan
    • Tongsan of the Fog Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Yabba of the Mind Manipulator Clan and Left Hand of Hive
    • Clover of the Electric Clan
    • Bulldag of the Telicanicy Clan
    • Agro of the Size Changing Clan

4. Koinos Faction - Vergo (Elite Faction SUN)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Journeyman of the Phasing Clan - Head of Koinos and Shadow of the Elite Faction SUN
    • Levine of the Water Clan
    • Ron of the Metal Clan
    • Gebino of the Diamond Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Micheal of the Beam Clan and Right hand of Koinos
    • Caldwell of the Magma Clan
    • Kpersian of the Fire Breathing Clan
    • Koinosnetwork Laser of the Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Mills of the Archer Clan and Left Hand of Koinos
    • SCC of the Magic Clan
    • Mitchell of the Heal Clan
    • VelleJos of the Melee Clan

5. Solana Faction - Sagittarius (Elite Faction MOON)

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Ryo of the Magic Clan - Head of Solana and Shadow of the Elite Faction MOON
    • Reison of the Heal Clan
    • Raj of the Archer Clan
    • Ridge of the Melee Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Chen of the Night Vision Clan and Right Hand of Solana
    • Shea of the Heat Vision Clan
    • Gal of the Laser Vision Clan
    • Starry of the Plasma Vision Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Venko of the Luna Clan and Left Hand of Solana
    • Mvines of the Empathy Clan
    • Jeoff of the Possession Clan
    • Criesoff of the Senses Clan

6. Binance Faction - Pisces (Elite Faction ECLIPSE)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Taylors of the Shark Clan - Head of Binance and Shadow of the Elite Faction ECLIPSE
    • Peters of the Whale Clan
    • Chrisophes of the Squid Clan
    • Mereks of the Bunyip Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Viktors of the Dolphin Clan and Right Hand of Binance
    • Volos of the Crocodile Clan
    • Marans of the Octopus Clan
    • Langes of the Fish Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Swendes of the Heal Clan and Left Hand of Binance
    • Wilckes of the Magic Clan
    • Hishams of the Archer Clan
    • Solts of the Melee Clan

7. DragonChain Faction - Taurus (Elite Faction SUN)

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Jojo of the Bull Dragon Clan - Head of DragonChain and Right Hand of the Elite Faction SUN
    • CandC of the Wyvern Clan
    • Micylt of the Hydra Clan
    • Voxelot of the Wyrm Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Apterous of the Drake Clan and Right Hand of DragonChain
    • Wingman Dragonnet of the Clan
    • Den of the Knucker Clan
    • Lair of the Quetzalcoatl Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Hyperian of the Archer Clan and Left Hand of DragonChain
    • GPS of the Magic Clan
    • Dis7ant of the Heal Clan
    • Shounr of the Melee Clan

8. Polkadot Faction - Cancer (Elite Faction MOON)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Rustian of the Erasure Clan - Head of Polkadot and Right Hand of the Elite Faction MOON
    • Robbian of the Restoration Clan
    • Odian of the Replication Clan
    • Kian of the Absorption Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Shawn of the Wings Clan and Right Hand of Polkadot
    • Schuster of the Claw Clan
    • Sergei of the Fang Clan
    • Silva of the SharpTail Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Tomaka of the Heal Clan and Left Hand of Polkadot
    • Eskimor of the Magic Clan
    • Martian of the Archer Clan
    • Gavofyork of the Melee Clan

9. Wax Faction - Aquarius (Elite Faction ECLIPSE)

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Marty of the Aquarius Clan - Head of Wax and Right Hand of the Elite Faction ECLIPSE
    • Quigley of the Siren Clan
    • Yantis of the Merfolk Clan
    • Sliwika of the Medusa Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Malcolm of the Lockness Clan and Right Hand of Wax
    • Caswell of the Naga Clan
    • Lukas of the Tsunami Clan
    • Tun of the Hurricane Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • kropoch of the Archer Clan and Left Hand of Wax
    • Inull of the Magic Clan
    • Fabian of the Healer Clan
    • Shuna of the Melee Clan

10. Pirate Chain Faction - Aries (Elite Faction SUN)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Lynch of the Levitation Clan - Head of Pirate Chain and Left Hand of the Elite Faction SUN
    • Geniey of the Skullz Clan
    • McEye of the Cannon Clan
    • JL777 of the Pheromone Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Dimxy of the Crow Clan and Right Hand of Pirate Chain
    • Sparrow of the Sparrow Clan
    • Strind of the Hawk Clan
    • Sipa of the Eagle Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Grypo of the Melee Clan and Left Hand of Pirate Chain
    • Garin of the Magic Clan
    • Cartel of the Archer Clan
    • CaFFF of the Healer Clan

11. DOGE Faction - Scorpio (Elite Faction MOON)

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Elon of the Shadow Clan - Head of DOGE and Left Hand of the Elite Faction MOON
    • Lumin of the Venom Clan
    • Lachange of the Poison Clan
    • Nakamoto of the Acid Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Max of the Hallucinogenic Clan and Right Hand of DOGE
    • Ross of the Stinger Clan
    • Markus of the Harden Clan
    • Timothey of the Iron Clan

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Birchall of the Melee Clan and Left Hand of DOGE
    • Weichess of the Magic Clan
    • Burtin of the Archer Clan
    • Elunoi of the Healer Clan

12. Zilliqa Faction - Capricorn (Elite Faction ECLIPSE)

From the Grey Tri-Faction

  • Yang of the Healer Clan - Head of Zilliqa and Left Hand of the Elite Faction ECLIPSE
    • Xiao of the Magic Clan
    • Kai of the Archer Clan
    • Kaustu of the Melee Clan

From the Light Tri-Faction

  • Komarov of the Deflect Clan and Right Hand of Zilliqa
    • Ans of the Ram Raid Clan
    • Val of the Sea Goat Clan
    • Jendis of the Shield Clan

From the Dark Tri-Faction

  • Sandip of the Sandstorm Clan and Left Hand of Zilliqa
    • Mckane of the QuickSand
    • Matt of the Lava Clan
    • Jman of the Earthquake Clan