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The tokenomics of monoGames incorporates a very strategic sustainable approach so monoGames can sustain itself beyond the 5 years of air drops for the monoGames Token (MTG). There are 8 components that interconnect to make monoGames sustainable today and into the future and also a short summary which includes;

  1. monoGames Token (MTG) Airdrop Over 5 Years
  2. 12 Blockchain Token Sustainable Buy Back Of The monoGames Token (MTG) at 20%
  3. Adding Blockchains In The Future
  4. Interactive Sustainable Partnerships
  5. NFT Packs
  6. Land Packages
  7. Play4Free or Play2Earn
  8. Research And Development
  9. Summary

1. monoGames Token (MTG) Air Drop Over 5 Years

The monoGames Token (MTG) will be distributed in the pre-special giveaway/sale and also allocated in a 5 year reward airdrop systems to make monoGames Token a community Token, giving the community the power to set the value and more importantly create a sustainable ecosystem. There will be approximately 900,000,000,000 monoGames Tokens (MTG) distributed to the monoGames Metaverse which interacts with The Real World. Here is how the monoGames Token (MTG) will be distributed;

Sales Reward Air Drop Allocated % Total MTG Rewarded Daily MTG Air Drop For 5 Years
Pre-Special GiveAway/Sale 3% 27,000,000,000
Pre-Sale Silver Member 9000 Accounts 1% 9,000,000,000 Plus 12 Other Tokens (Sale Only)
Pre-Sale Gold Member 900 Accounts 1% 9,000,000,000 Plus 12 Other Tokens (Sale Only)
Special nftcryptomix 1% 9,000,000,000 Give Away To NFTCM Holders
monoGames Team 6% 54,000,000,000 Approx 29,589,041.0
Game Dev's 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
Social Dev's 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
Sustainable Dev's 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
Security 3% 27,000,000,000 Approx 14,794,520.5
Support (Q/T/A) 3% 27,000,000,000 Approx 14,794,520.5
Art Community 3% 27,000,000,000 Approx 14,794,520.5
Promo's & G-Away's 3% 27,000,000,000 Approx 14,794,520.5
Game Rewards 21% 189,000,000,000 Approx 103,561,643.8
DOU P2E 12% 108,000,000,000 Approx 59,178,082.1
Social2E 12% 108,000,000,000 Approx 59,178,082.1
Sustainable2E 12% 108,000,000,000 Approx 59,178,082.1
Gold Member 6% 54,000,000,000 Approx 29,589,041.0
Silver Member 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
NFT Staking 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
Land Staked 2% 18,000,000,000 Approx 9,863,013.6
Staking 1Mil NFTCM 1% 9,000,000,000 Approx 4,931,506

There will be 9000 accounts for Silver Members who will need to stake 1,000,000 tokens of each of the 12 blockchain of monoGames plus nftcryptomix reward tokens for 5 years to earn this reward but players can, as they wish, sell their Silver Membership to other players. There will be 900 accounts for Gold Members who will need to stake 10,000,000 tokens of each of the 12 blockchains of monoGames plus nftcryptomix reward tokens for 5 years to earn this reward but Gold Members can, as they wish, sell their Gold Membership to other players. To find out more about memberships please look below for more information. monoGames Team is a group of dedicated people like myself who believe in innovation, spend countless hours working on ideas and who really want to make a sustainable difference to the world using blockchain technology. So if you get named on the monoGames Team list you really have the same ambition as I do and you will be incredibly rewarded. Game Developers (Game Dev's) who build and maintain games with monoGames earn this reward. Social Developers (Social Dev's) who build and maintain the social networks earn this reward. Sustainable Developers (Sustainable Dev's) who build and maintain the sustainable networks earn this reward. The Security of monoGames will look to fill this role with Auditors and Industry Leaders with sound knowledge of Cyber Security and Bot Accounts which we hope to reach out to Kevin Mitnick and the CTF Team to fill these positions. The Support Team for Questions & Answers, Tutorials and Abuse will work tirelessly to ensure monoGames players have a seamless experience when they need help. The NFT Art Community will be full of people who love to be creators, creating all the wonder NFT’s monoGames has to offer in the Game, Social and Sustainable aspects of monoGames. Promo’s and Giveaways will be headed by GaryVee's "Vaynermedia" hopefully at every level of monoGames to promote our wonderful game to the world with a small dedicated team from monoGames. Destiny Of The Universe P2E (DOU P2E) is the Flagship game of monoGames which will reward all parts of the game from battles, alliance battle, missions, guilds, tournaments and many other rewards associated with DOU P2E. The Social2E rewards the monoGames Social Lounge (monoSol), monoGames Social Media (monoMedia) and Faction Social Lounges. Gold Members and Silver Members will receive revenue from staked tokens over 5 years. All NFT’s that are staked in monoGames will earn revenue. All Land staked in monoGames will earn revenue. Staking 1 million nftcryptomix tokens will earn revenue. So there are lots of ways for developers and players to earn in monoGames.

2. Types Of Membership

There are 4 Types of memberships which include;

  1. Non Membership
  2. Cost: Free
    If you are a Non Member you can still play the game but you won't be able earn rewards, those rewards you do accumulate will be soul bound meaning it will be in your inventory until you buy or earn a Bronze Membership. To earn a Bronze Membership will take 18 Weeks of coordinated promo’s of monoGames and certain tasks which will in turn earn you Citizenship in monoGames and the ability to earn rewards.

  3. Bronze Membership
  4. Cost: $10 US Dollars
    Buying a Bronze Membership let you earn Citizenship in monoGames and the ability to earn rewards. You can earn a Bronze Membership which will take 18 Weeks of coordinated promo’s of monoGames and certain tasks which will in turn earn you Citizenship in monoGames and the ability to earn rewards.

  5. Silver Membership
  6. Cost: $1000 US Dollars (Pre-Sale)
    Cost: $5000 US Dollars and Upwards
    Limited To 9000 Membership
    Buying a Silver Membership will offer you many special benefits which includes all NFT’s at Epic Level, Silver Membership Daily Air Drop, 100 Free NFT Mega Packs, 10 Free Land Plots and many more rewards which will be given as the game evolves.

  7. Gold Membership
  8. Gold $10,000 US Dollars (Pre-Sale)
    Cost: $50,000 US Dollars and Upwards
    Limited To 900 Membership
    Buying a Gold Membership will offer you many special benefits which includes all NFT’s at monoTomic Gold Level, Gold Membership Daily Air Drop, 1000 Free NFT Mega Packs, 100 Free Land Plots and many more rewards which will be given as the game evolves.

If you are one of the 82 founding members of monoGames and have been following and have received nftcryptomix reward tokens and monoGames tokens then you will receive at least one Free Silver and one Free Gold account. The higher the amount of nftcryptomix tokens and monoGames tokens you have, will have earnt you multiple accounts and I thank you all for promoting and supporting monoGames in the build up to the release. monoGames will take into consideration that if we don't sell all Silver Memberships or Gold Memberships over the 5 year period, that those accounts not sold may be donated to sustainable social good causes.

3. 12 Blockchain Token Sustainable Buy Back Of The monoGames Token (MTG) at 20%

There are 12 Blockchain Tokens that are part'n'parcel of monoGames which includes Signum, Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, DOGE, Pirate Chain, Dragonchain, Koinos, Hive, Wax, BSC and Zill. Their Tokenomics will have a similar role in their respective communities to help them grow in the game and this will be discussed at a later date. The Tokens that represent those blockchain in monoGames will sustain monoGames with a 20% buy back of monoGames Tokens as part of their Tokenomics. This will help monoGames be sustainable for another 5 years beyond the first 5 years. We hope to bring blockchain communities together to build a really strong community here at monoGames where we work together, build together and hopefully innovate the sustainable blockchain ecosystem together with our Research and Development Program.

4. Adding Blockchains In The Future

When monoGames nears the end of the air drops or has used up the 12 Blockchain Token Sustainable Buy Back Of The monoGames Token (MTG) and the game needs an injection of funds to sustainably keep monoGames working then the team will look at adding new blockchain to monoGames in a mutual way. By this time monoGames should be a vibrant and thriving community and the community will vote who should become the new blockchains of monoGames because those blockchains that do get voted in will benefit greatly with a lot of support from investment, development and players so it's a win win for both parties to keep monoGames sustainable.

5. Interactive Sustainable Partnerships

This is where monoGames partners with sustainable products and services to interact with the monoGames Metaverse and The Real World. These partnership will eventually lead to long term sponsorship deals with monoGames in several ways. If we look at sustainable energy, monoGames might partner with Tesla where Tesla sponsors monoGames and in return monoGames uses Tesla logo's on all our NFT energy devices you need to power up buildings, vehicles, portals, etc while also giving player rewards for using those NFT energy devices. We also want to go one step further, if anyone can prove they own any Tesla product or service through a Qcode verification system, monoGames would reward them for those devices too. All sponsorship deals would go back into monoGames ecosystem to keep it sustainable.

6. NFT Packs

All NFT Packs sold will go back into monoGames in various ways but its main purpose would be a buy back of monoGames Tokens (MTG) with 10% going directly into Research and Development. We also hope NFT Packs will have a big impact on the sustainability and innovation of monoGames.

7. Land Packages

Land Packages sold will go back into monoGames in various ways but its main purpose would be a buy back of monoGames Tokens (MTG) with 10% going directly into Research and Development. We also hope that Land Packages will have a big impact on the sustainability and innovation of monoGames.

8. Research And Development

The Research And Development arm of monoGames will look to innovate the sustainable blockchain ecosystem developing sustainable products and services. I have a number of projects I would like to come to fruition especially the Qcode Verification Sustainable Life Cycle Of Products, this is where we can track products and reward good recycling practices from players so we interact the Metaverse and The Real World to work together to make a difference to the world we live in for future generations. monoGames is open to ideas and if you have ideas that could contribute to help the world be more sustainable please contact us at our discord.

9. Summary

I hope monoGames can deliver a great gaming, social and sustainable experience with developers and players where we can all grow as a community with the right sustainable balance so we can create many dynamic, innovative, sustainable projects which can interact with the Metaverse and The Real World. Looking at the tokenomics we can see there is a great plan and only time will tell if this will be one of the greatest projects of its time.