
monoGames Social Lounge (monoSol) is where all players of monoGames can meet, connect and socialize together.

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monoGames Social Lounge (monoSol)

monoGames Social Lounge (monoSol) will be the Social Scene, the heart and soul of monoGames - we feel this will be the next big movement in a gamers user experience to connect with the monoGames Community. This is where all Faction can meet up in the many different ways we can in our normal life. We also want to bring in a new era of land packages which gives you the opportunity to own limited addition lounge rooms to create unique gaming experiences which could include hosting a faction team, a games room where you can chill with other players, conference room for promoting your ideas, a virtual restaurant, movies room, party room, shop, etc. These rooms will be able to be decked out with special in game NFT's created by the monoGames NFT Creative Art Community. We also want to create Partnership Lounge Rooms which connects with other platforms like Splinterlands, Rising Stars and Torum while also including personalities like Elon Musk, MrBeast and CryptoStache to grow our game too.

We understand that not all players are good at battling within the game so we want social players to earn while participating in our Quests to help maintain and grow our game. Social players will be rewarded by completing Daily Quests, Social Quests, Gaming Quests, Interactive Sustainable Quests, Interactive Social Quests and Referral Quests where players can earn in game currency and special NFT's for completing these tasks. Social players will more than likely own a limited addition lounge room in the monoGames Social Lounge (monoSol) and/or in the Faction Social Lounge so they can attract and converse with players by offering a unique gaming experience. Limited addition lounge rooms will have special in game NFT's created by the monoGames NFT Creative Art Community which you can place in your room. You can earn by placing these special NFT's in your limited addition lounge room but the main earning method is the amount of people in your room. We want owners to really think about creating a unique experience for gamers to be entertained in their limited addition lounge room. We want to significantly reward the owners with large community's within their limited addition lounge room for their effort in helping to create an atmosphere for players to communicate, enjoy and grow our game.

I would like to briefly talk about our Interactive Social Quests and the network effects this will bring to monoGames. We want to bring the Metaverse and the Real World together in initiatives that innovate the crypto space. Interactive Social Quests looks at connecting and sharing what we do in the Metaverse and the Real World. An example of this Interactive Social Quest would be to have dinner in the Metaverse at a franchise like McDonald's with your gaming friends which is live feed to monoMedia and other social media like fb, twitter, youtube, tiktok and Torum where others people could join you at McDonalds from around the world who also have monoGames accounts so we bring the real world to the Metaverse instead of just a comment, so the real world people from around the globe can actually join, interact and also share the live feed on their networks.

I would also like to briefly talk about our Interactive Sustainable Quests and the network effects this will bring to monoGames. We want to bring the Metaverse and the Real World together in initiatives that innovate Sustainability in the crypto space. Interactive Sustainable Quests looks at rewarding people in the Metaverse and the Real World who are Sustainable. An example of this Interactive Sustainable Quest would be Qcoding Sustainable actions like recycling in the Metaverse and the real world, owning renewable resources in the Metaverse and the real world, buy and selling sustainable community food in the Metaverse and the real world while also partnering with sustainable products and services from the real world to the Metaverse while also committing to donate to sustainable good will projects like teamtrees with MrBeast. If we look at sustainable energy, monoGames might partner with Tesla where Tesla sponsors monoGames and in return monoGames uses Tesla logo's on all our NFT energy devices you need to power up buildings, vehicles, portals, etc. These Tesla NFT energy devices can be obtained in sustainable packs, in missions and also on the NFT Market Place. Placing these Sustainable NFT's earns in game currency, certifications, carbon emission points which can be traded in game and can also be used towards you carbon footprint. We also want to go one step further, if anyone can prove they own any Tesla product or service through a Qcode verification system, monoGames would reward them for those devices too. All sponsorship deals would go back into monoGames ecosystem to keep it sustainable.

We also want to give Silver and Gold Members special privileges where if you're a Silver Member all NFT's in the Social Lounge will automatically be at epic level and if your a Gold Member all NFT’s in the Social Lounge will automatically be at gold level. We want to provide community experiences and friendships in a sustainable gaming ecosystem that is ever evolving and adapting to community needs especially to our Silver and Gold Members.