
Home-assistant sensor platform for Meizu Meijia BT Hygrothermo temperature and humidity sensor

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Home-assistant sensor platform for Meizu Meijia BT Hygrothermo temperature and humidity sensor. 效果图1 效果图2

Theory of all devices that can run python3 and support Bluetooth According to feedback, the gateway can use

  • Raspberry Pi full range


To use, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

  - platform: meizu_hygrothermo
    name: ht #1
    host: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    scan_interval: 60
  • mac is your sensor Bluetooth MAC
  • host is your Gateway IP (I'm using a raspberry pi)
  • mac and host is required.
  • default "scan" interval is every 30 seconds.

Determine the MAC address in the Gateway

  • Copy "gateway.py" to your gateway device
  • Please using python3 !!!

using hcitool:

$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
LE Scan ...
4C:65:A8:xx:xx:xx (unknown)
4C:65:A8:xx:xx:xx 1

using bluetoothctl:

$ sudo bluetoothctl 
[NEW] Controller xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx homeqube [default]
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 4C:65:A8:xx:xx:xx 1
[bluetooth]# quit

look for 1 devices...

"1" you need to modify when pairing in the APP

  • You can set the service or boot entry