Code to track a GPS-specified set of waypoints using MPC. In this branch, the nonlinear kinematic module is used.
There are three major launch files to use:
- path_record.launch
- This is used to record the vehicle state in a demonstrated trajectory.
- The launch file asks for a matfile of waypoints: this is just to aid in the visualization and isn't used for control.
- sim_path_follow.launch
- This uses a dynamic bicycle vehicle model to simulate following the demonstrated trajectory (matfile of waypoints).
- Initial vehicle pose is required.
- path_follow.launch
- This is used to publish commands to the actual vehicle.
- Common settings:
- Track path using time (i.e. varying velocity) or with a fixed speed.
- Reference system is defined based on (lat0, lon0) as the global origin.
- Use heading (cw from North) or psi (ccw from East). For the Genesis, we can use the latter one.
The launch files use the following scripts:
- Subscribes to the state from the vehicle (or vehicle simulator).
- Queries a reference generator ( to get the desired open-loop trajectory. A full global trajectory is provided ahead of time in mat format from the launch file.
- Uses a nonlinear kinematic MPC model with IPOPT to generate the optimal acceleration and steering angle (tire) commands
- Publishes the commands to the vehicle's low level controller, along with the desired open-loop trajectory (target_path) and the predicted open-loop trajectory MPC solution (mpc_path).
- This is for sake of tuning algorithms. It uses a dynamic bicycle model for high model fidelity.
- Low-level P controller used to simulate the fact that acceleration/steering angle control inputs are tracked with some delay. This P gains can be tuned to simulate timing delays on the real vehicle.
- The topics used for control match the Genesis Interface exactly. Thus this module can be swapped with the real vehicle interface with no issues.
- This is a simple visualizer of the path following behavior.
- The global trajectory is plotted in black and kept fixed.
- The vehicle's current state (blue), target path (open-loop reference, in red), and predicted MPC path (green) are updated via subscriber callbacks.
- Used for the real vehicle, in place of
- Subscribes to GPS/IMU topics and provides a synchronized version of the vehicle state for convenience.
Mat Format for Reference Path (used by
- Keys: 't', 'x', 'y', 'v', 'psi', 'a', 'df', 'lat', 'lon' (i.e. the state information and ROS time)
- Values: each key is associated with a N-long array, where N is the number of state samples recorded
- There is also a 'mode' entry (Real, Sim, or Follow) to aid with plotting/analysis and keeping track of data.
Contact Vijay Govindarajan ( with any questions or comments.