A generic,high-performance key-value log processing framework written in C.
#Build Glimpse
How to build?
1) run `cmake .' to generate Makefile
2) Edit File <include/future.h> to enable/disable features (optional)
3) make
After you build Glimpse, you can type 'make install' to install glimpse onto your computer.
If you want to remove Glimpse, run the script 'scripts/uninstall.sh ${INSTALL_PREFIX}'
#Try Glimpse
You can try the framework with the shell, glimpse-cli.
#How to build a Plugin
Steps to compiling examples/plugin.c into a loadable Plugin
Compile plugin.c
glimpse-config --plugin --cflags TypeAPI
-c -o plugin.o plugin.c -
Link libplugin.so
glimpse-config --plugin --libs TypeAPI
-o ligplugin.so plugin.o -
Test plugin with glimpse-cli
$glimpse-cli Glimpse CLI Shell (libglimpse 0.0.1) with multi-char-seperator=no,parser-stack=no,multi-threading=no,lazy-instance=yes,char-table=no Type `help' for avaiable commands
Glimpse> import plugin F[myinit@plugin.c: 4] Hello, Glimpse! 0.299409 ms