
Docker container running Apache running on Ubuntu, Composer, Lavavel, TDD via Shippable & CircleCI

Primary LanguageShell

Apache Docker

Run Status Circle CI Beerpay Beerpay

This repo will give you a turn key Docker container build for use in production OR local development. The setup includes an Apache web service, PHP 7.0, PHP Composer, linked MySQL instance and a data container volume.

If you found this repo you are probably looking into Docker or already have knowledge as to what Docker can help you with. In this repo you will find a number of complete Dockerfile builds used in development and production environments. Listed below is an explanation of each file. Ask a question


Build Breakdown

Apache                       # → Root of Docker Build
├── app/                     # → App conf to manage application on container
│   ├── apache-config.conf   # → Default Apache configuration
│   ├── index.php            # → Default web page, enter the IP address `docker-machine ls` to load this page.
│   ├── mac-permissions.sh   # → Run manually on container to match uid / gid permissions of local docker container to Mac OS X
│   ├── postfix.sh           # → Used by *supervisord.conf* to start Postfix
│   ├── run.sh               # → Setup apache, conf files, and start process on container
│   ├── sample.conf          # → located within `/data/apache2/sites-enabled` duplicate / modify to host others domains
│   └── supervisord          # → Supervisor is a client / server system which monitors and controls a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems
├── .env.example             # → Rename file to `.env` for local environment variables used within build
├── .circleci/               # → CircleCI 2.0
│   └── config.yml           # → CircleCI Configuration
├── docker-cloud.yml         # → Used to lauch a container directly to Docker Cloud
├── docker-compose.local.yml # → Local build 
├── docker-compose.yml       # → Production build
├── Dockerfile               # → Uses a basefile build to help speed up the docker container build process
├── Makefile                 # → Build command shortcuts
├── shippable.yml            # → Configuration for Shippable.com testing
└── tests/
    └── build_tests.sh       # → Build test processes

Docker Compose YML configuration guide more info

Quick Start

Launch the Apache instance locally and setup a local MySQL database container for persistant database data, the goal is to create a easy to use development environment.

Type make for more build options:

	$ git clone https://github.com/htmlgraphic/Apache.git ~/Docker/Apache && cd ~/Docker/Apache
	$ cp .env.example .env
	$ make run 

	OR (non Make Windows)

	$ copy .env.example .env
	$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d

Run phpMyAdmin

Review MySQL access instructions upon make run command execution

	$ docker run --name myadmin -d --link apache_db_1:db --net apache_default -p 8080:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

	Open http://localhost:8080 (username & password are set within .env file)

Deploy to Docker Cloud

Create a Docker Cloud account, add a Cloud provider. Once complete, one click will create a functional Apache & MySQL Service.

Deploy to Docker Cloud

Test Driven Development

These continuous integration services will fully test the creation of your container and can push the complete image to your private Docker repo if you desire.

CircleCI 2.0 - Test production and dev Docker builds, can the container be built the without error? Verify each build process using docker-compose. Code can be tested using lxc-attach / docker inspect inside the running container

Shippable - Test production and dev Docker builds, can the container be built the without error? The /tests/build_tests.sh file ensures the can run with parameters defined. Shippable allows the use of matrix environment variables reducing build time and offer a more robust tests. If any test(s) fail the system should be reviewed closer.

Interacting with containers:

List all running containers:

docker ps

List all containers (including stopped containers):

docker ps -a

Read the log of a running container:

docker logs [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]

Follow the log of a running container:

docker logs -f [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]

Read the Apache log:

docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] cat ./data/apache2/logs/access_log

Follow the Apache log:

docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] tail -f ./data/apache2/logs/access_log

Follow the outgoing mail log:

docker exec [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] tail -f ./var/log/mail.log

Gain terminal access to a running container:

docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID OR NAME] /bin/bash

Restart a running container:

docker restart [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]

Stop and start a container in separate operations:

docker stop [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]

docker start [CONTAINER ID OR NAME]


(Stop all running containers started by Docker Compose):

    $ make rm 
    OR (non Make Windows)
    $ docker rm -f apache_web_1 && docker rm -f apache_db_1