Welcome to the DIY 3D Printer called Rook!
This is a tiny mostly 3d printed CoreXY printer with a build volume of 120x120
The goal of this printer is to make a cheap easy to build 3D printer than can be built by anyone.
- 3D Printed Frame
- CoreXY
- Dual Lead Screws
- Only Roughly $260 USD in cost
- I print with 3 walls and 15 percent infill, if you want stronger go 4 walls 20 percent infill should be plenty
- I use PLA-PRO for the prototype and it worked well, ABS and ASA would be great too
- My Discord server has alot of mods for the Rook check it out
- This printer uses some heatset inserts in key places
- This printer uses all F695 bearings now no more 20t idlers
- There are slots in the motor mounts to tension the belts