This folder contains files related to the SRUNet model First, need to install the required libraries which are mentioned in the file “requirements.txt” This model was trained using tensorflow/keras For training, user can compile the file “” for the Super Resolution from 1m to 50cm, and “” for the Super Resolution from 50cm to 25cm **For prediction, user can use “” to predict the result of SR from 1m to 25cm using the 2 models (1m->50cm then 50cm->25cm). the file "" is to convert the result of prediction from python numpy format (npy) to "geotif" format the file '' is to convert the origin tiff file from tif to python numpy data (npy) Because of issue of disk-space, the training data and the trained models are uploaded separately ------The links to training data-------- # for data of SR from 1m to 50cm # for data of SR from 50cm to 25cm -----link to the SRUNet models------ # SRUNet_100_50 model # SRUNet_50_25 model -----link to the testing data------