
:: ⛱ Experimental or incomplete components and libraries or tests for different languages, frameworks, components, platforms, etc.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to my :: sandbox

This repository may contain everything related to my experiments and similar, such as my experimental or incomplete components and libraries or tests for different languages, frameworks, components, platforms, etc.

Well, this just continues my old repository from bitbucket (migrated to github at the end of 2016).

🏝 Growing up

Some of these things even can grow into separate projects like it was already, for example,

time will tell...

🔎 React

Some of these things can be discussed using 🗞 twitter @github3F or here via issues; PRs makes me more happy too.

🗸 License

The default license is MIT License (MIT) but it can be different for specific folders and projects. Some specific projects also may include or reference various software components. ⚠ You must follow their accompanying licenses depending on their use.

Copyright (c)  Denis Kuzmin <x-3F@outlook.com> github/3F

[ @ ☕ ]

How to get only specific project or folder


ghdir or related commands;

For Linux & Windows ghdir{url_to_directory} [{optional_destination_path}]

Sample for DllExport/BasicExport
