
An assignment on Adaboost algorithm with Logistic Regression as weak learner

Primary LanguagePython

Logistic Regression and Adaboost for Classification

In this assignment of CSE472 course we implement adaboost algorithm with logistic regression as weak learner to predict the binary labels of given datasets.

Datasets Used

The first two datasets are saved in this repo. The third one is too large to push to GitHub, so you'll need to download it yourself.

wget -O creditcard.zip https://www.kaggle.com/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud/download
unzip creditcard.zip
mv creditcard.csv ./data/

Report of Logistic Regression

Telco dataset

Performance measure Training Test
Accuracy 80% 79%
True positive rate 53% 50%
True negative rate 89% 89%
Positive predictive value 65% 63%
False discovery rate 34% 36%
F1 score 58% 56%

Adult dataset

Performance measure Training Test
Accuracy 84% 84%
True positive rate 58% 58%
True negative rate 92% 92%
Positive predictive value 72% 71%
False discovery rate 27% 28%
F1 score 64% 64%

Credit Card Fraud dataset

Performance measure Training Test
Accuracy 42% 42%
True positive rate 94% 93%
True negative rate 41% 41%
Positive predictive value 03% 03%
False discovery rate 96% 96%
F1 score 07% 07%

Report of Adaboost

Telco dataset

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
5 79% 78%
10 81% 79%
15 80% 79%

Adult dataset

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
5 84% 84%
10 84% 84%
15 84% 84%

Credit Card Fraud dataset

Number of boosting rounds Training Test
5 78% 78%
10 98% 98%
15 97% 97%