
Implemention of CNN from scratch in python

Primary LanguagePython


In this assignment of CSE472 course, we implement a CNN from scratch in python.

The layers implemented are as follows.

1. Convolution layer: There will be four (hyper)parameters: the number of
   filters, filter dimension, stride, padding.
2. Activation layer: Implement an element-wise ReLU.
3. Max-pooling layer: There will be two parameters: filter dimension, stride.
4. Dense layer: There will be one parameter: output dimension.
5. Flattening layer: It will convert a (series of) convolutional filter maps to
   a column vector.
6. Softmax layer: It will convert final layer projections to normalized

The datasets to be used are MNIST and CFAR-10. The links are given below.

- MNIST: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
- CFAR-10: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html

Instructions Regarding Accuracy and Loss

You have to report the validation-loss, accuracy, and macro-f1 for each epoch
(one pass over the full training set). You will train your model for 5-10 epochs
(more if it is runnable in reasonable time). Make sure you tune the learning
rate (start from 0.001). Select the best model using macro-f1 and report the
above-mentioned scores.