
Primary LanguageC++


This is a 32-bit risc-v emulator.

Build Instructions


Unit Tests

'test/' directory contains unit tests.  The idea is to test each unit of the
datapath in isolation to prevent regression.  There is only one root makefile,
which will build all .cc filesin 'test/test/' directory.  The naming convention
of the test cpp files is 'test_{unit}.cc'.  So if the unit to test is decoder,
the test filename will be 'test_decoder.cc'

    make -C test/

Contribution Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines.
  - Use .cc for source extension
  - Use "include guards" in headers
  - Don't leave trailing whitespaces
  - Don't leave empty lines at the end of files
  - Use your editor to write git commit messages
    Don't do «git commit -m 'message'».  Instead, just do «git commit», and
    it'll bring up your default text editor.  You can write your commit message
    on it, and when you close it, it will be commited.
  - Divide up the git commit message in two parts:
    - A single title line: limited to 60 characters
      Must be an imperative, not a statement or report.  That is, say "Add new
      feature," instead of "Added new feature."
    - Multiline description
      This is the part where you explain life, the universe, and everything.
      You can use multiple paragraphs even.

To reiterate, a git commit message should look like this:

  <type>[optional scope]: <description>

  [optional body]

  [optional footer(s)]

Where <type> is one of these:
  - feat: when the commit introduces a new feature
    E.g. "feat(alu): add support for beq instruction"
  - fix: when the commit fixes a bug
    E.g. "fix(alu): wrong register calculation"
  - refactor: when the commit refactors code, but changes no functionality
    E.g. "refactor(alu): use array for mapping instead of hashmap"
  - test: when the commit concerns unit tests
    E.g. "test(alu): add test for alu" or "test(alu): fix test for alu"
  - chore: when the commit does something of little interest
    E.g., "chore: fix indentation" or "chore: remove extra newlines"

For an example of a git commit that your future self will thank you for, see
commit 4c54967: «git log -1 4c54967», or see it on github: