
The defective clone of webiopi

Primary LanguagePython


Incomplete webiopi clone for OrangePi-PC/OrangePi-ZERO.

Install WiringPi-Python-OP for OrangePi-PC

It also works with Orangepi-ONE / Orangepi-Lite / OrangePi-PC Plus.

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/lanefu/WiringPi-Python-OP.git
$ sudo apt install python-dev python-setuptools swig
$ cd WiringPi-Python-OP
$ cd WiringPi/
$ sudo ./build
$ cd ..

You need to modify "bindings.i" partially.

// Header file WiringPi/wiringPi/wiringPiSPI.h
int wiringPiSPIGetFd     (int channel) ;
int wiringPiSPIDataRW    (int channel, unsigned char *data, int len) ;
#int wiringPiSPISetupMode (int channel, int speed, int mode) ;
#int wiringPiSPISetup     (int channel, int speed) ;

In swig3, comments by # at the beginning of the line are no longer allowed. Change the above part as follows.

// Header file WiringPi/wiringPi/wiringPiSPI.h
int wiringPiSPIGetFd     (int channel) ;
int wiringPiSPIDataRW    (int channel, unsigned char *data, int len) ;
//int wiringPiSPISetupMode (int channel, int speed, int mode) ;
//int wiringPiSPISetup     (int channel, int speed) ;

If you modify "bindings.i", swig will pass.

$ swig -python wiringpi.i
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ cd tests
$ sudo python ./test.py

Install WiringOP-Zero-Python for OrangePi-ZERO

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/xpertsavenue/WiringOP-Zero-Python
$ sudo apt install python-dev python-setuptools swig
$ cd WiringOP-Zero-Python
$ cd WiringOP-Zero
$ sudo ./build
$ cd ..
$ swig -python wiringpi.i
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ cd tests
$ sudo python ./test.py

Install flask

$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools
$ python -m pip install -U pip
$ python -m pip install -U wheel
$ python -m pip install flask

Execute webioOP for OrangePi-PC

$ git clone https://github.com/nopnop2002/webioOP
$ cd webioOP
$ sudo python ./webioOP.py


Execute webioOP for OrangePi-ZERO

$ git clone https://github.com/nopnop2002/webioOP
$ cd webioOP
$ sudo python ./webioOP-Zero.py


Change look & feel

$ cd template
$ cp webioOP.html.btn webioOP.html
$ cd ..
$ sudo python ./webioOP.py


$ cd template
$ cp webioOP.html.icon webioOP.html
$ cd ..
$ sudo python ./webioOP.py
