
Common Lisp library for using FLIR Lepton thermal camera over i2c/spi

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

3b-lepton: Common Lisp library for controlling FLIR Lepton thermal cameras over i2c/spi

Currently just the i2c parts. Most commands are implemented, though some can only be get and not set yet.

Tested with Lepton 3.5 on Lepton breakout board with sbcl on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.

example dumping (+ a bit of modifying) configuration info from camera

(with-lepton (l)
  (print (3b-i2c:get-functionality (i2c l)))
  (print (get-status l))
  (format t "~&ping: ~s~%" (ping l))
  (format t "~&status: ~s~%" (status l))
  (format t "~&serial: ~s~%" (serial-number l))
  (format t "~&uptime: ~s~%" (loop repeat 4 collect (uptime l)) )
  (format t "~&temp: aux: ~s~%      fpa: ~s~%" (aux-temp l) (fpa-temp l))
  (format t "~&telemetry: ~s @ ~s~%"
	  (telemetry-enable l) (telemetry-location l))
  (format t "~&   set enable: ~s, header:~s~%"
	  (setf (telemetry-enable l) t)
	  (setf (telemetry-location l) :header))
  (format t "~&telemetry: ~s @ ~s~%"
	  (telemetry-enable l) (telemetry-location l))
  (format t "~&   set disable: ~s footer:~s~%"
	  (setf (telemetry-enable l) nil)
	  (setf (telemetry-location l) :footer))
  (format t "~&customer serial number: ~s~%" (customer-serial-number l))
  (format t "scene stats ~s~%" (video-scene-statistics l))
  (format t "roi: ~s~%" (sys-roi-select l))
  (format t " -> 40,50:60,70: ~s~%" (setf (sys-roi-select l) '(40 50 60 70)))
  (format t "roi: ~s~%" (sys-roi-select l))
  (format t "scene stats ~s~%" (video-scene-statistics l))
  (format t " -> 0,0:159,119: ~s~%"
	  (setf (sys-roi-select l) '(:x1 0 :x2 159 :y1 0 :y2 119)))
  (format t "shutter position control: ~s~%"
	  (shutter-position-control l))
  (format t "ffc status: ~s~%" (ffc-status l))
  (format t "gain-mode: ~s~%" (gain-mode l))
  (format t "  -> auto: ~s~%" (setf (gain-mode l) :auto))
  (format t "gain-mode: ~s~%" (gain-mode l))
  (format t "  -> high: ~s~%" (setf (gain-mode l) :high))
  (format t "ffc-state: ~s~%" (ffc-state l))
  (format t "gain mode params: ~s~%" (gain-mode-object l))
  (format t "color lut: ~s~%" (color-lut-select l))
  (finish-output *standard-output*)
  ;; user-lut causes problems, skipping for now...
  (format t "user lut: ~{~2,'0x~2,'0x ~2,'0x~2,'0x ~2,'0x~2,'0x ~2,'0x~2,'0x~%~^          ~}"
	  (user-lut l))
  (format t "focus calculation: ~s~%" (focus-calculation-enable l))
  (format t "focus roi: ~s~%" (focus-roi l))
  (format t "focus threshold: ~s~%" (focus-metric-threshold l))
  (format t "focus metric: ~s~%" (focus-metric l))
  (format t "freeze: ~s~%" (freeze l))
  (format t "low-gain color lut: ~s~%" (low-gain-color-lut-select l))
  (format t "video-format: ~s~%" (vid-output-format l))

  (format t "~%part number ~s (~s)~%"
	  (oem-part-number l) (lookup-part-number l))
  (format t "software version: ~s~%" (oem-software-revisions l))
  (format t "video output enable: ~s~%" (video-output-enable l))
  (format t "oem video format: ~s~%" (oem-video-output-format l))
  (format t "oem video source: ~s~%" (oem-video-source l))
  (format t "customer part number: ~s~%" (oem-customer-part-number l))
  (format t "constant output value: ~s~%" (oem-video-output-source-constant l))
  (format t "ffc normalization target: ~s~%" (oem-ffc-normalization-target l))
  (format t "frame mean intensity: ~s~%" (frame-mean-intensity l))
  (format t "gpio mode: ~s~%" (gpio-mode-select l))
  (format t "gpio vsync phase delay: ~s~%" (gpio-vsync-phase-delay l))
  (format t "user-defaults: ~s~%" (user-defaults l))
  (format t "shutter-profile: ~s~%" (shutter-profile l))
  (format t "thermal shutdown enable: ~s~%" (thermal-shutdown-enable l))
  (format t "bad-pixel-replacement-control: ~s~%"
	  (bad-pixel-replacement-control l))
  (format t "temporal filter: ~s~%" (temporal-filter-control l))
  (format t "column noise filter: ~s~%" (column-noise-filter-control l))
  (format t "pixel noise filter: ~s~%" (pixel-noise-filter-control l))
  (format t "rfbo params: ~s~%" (rfbo-external-params l))
  (format t "radiometry control: ~s~%" (radiometry-control l))
  (format t "tshutter mode: ~s~%" (t-shutter-mode l))
  (format t "tshutter temp: ~s~%" (t-shutter-temperature l))
  (format t "rad run status: ~s~%" (rad-run-status l))
  (format t "flux linear params: ~s~%" (flux-linear-parameters l))
  (format t "t-linear: ~s, resolution ~s, auto ~s~%"
	  (t-linear l) (t-linear-resolution l) (t-linear-auto-resolution l))
  (format t "spotmeter roi: ~s~%" (spotmeter-roi l))
  (format t "spotmeter value: ~s~%" (spotmeter-value l))
  (format t "spotmeter value (f): ~s~%" (spotmeter-value l :units :f))
  (format t "low gain rfbo params: ~s~%" (low-gain-rfbo-external-params l))

  (format t "agc: ~s~%" (agc-enabled l))
  (format t "agc policy: ~s~%" (agc-policy l))
  (format t "agc roi: ~s~%" (agc-roi l))
  (format t "agc histogram: ~s~%" (agc-histogram l))
  (format t "heq dampening factor: ~s~%" (heq-dampening-factor l))
  (format t "heq clip limits: ~s ~s~%"
	  (heq-clip-limit-low l) (heq-clip-limit-high l))
  #++ ;; doesn't work?
  (format t "heq empty counts: ~s~%" (heq-empty-counts l))
  (format t "heq output scale: ~s~%" (heq-output-scale l))
  (format t "heq linear %: ~s~%" (heq-linear-percent l))
  (format t "agc calculation enabled: ~s~%" (agc-calculation-enabled l)))


ping: T
serial: "00:00:00:00:00:12:34:56"
uptime: (16391.94 16392.045 16392.049 16392.053)
temp: aux: (:K 301.41 :C 28.26001 :F 82.86801)
      fpa: (:K 301.86 :C 28.709991 :F 83.67798)
telemetry: NIL @ :FOOTER
   set enable: (1 0), header:(0 0)
telemetry: :ENABLED @ :HEADER
   set disable: (0 0) footer:(1 0)
customer serial number: "12:23:34:45:56:67:78:89:9A:AB:BC:CD:DE:EF:F1:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF:12:34:56:78:90:AB:CD:EF:01:23"
scene stats (:MIN 3257 :MAX 3421 :MEAN 3217 :PIXEL-COUNT 19200)
roi: (:X1 0 :Y1 0 :X2 159 :Y2 119)
 -> 40,50:60,70: (40 50 60 70)
roi: (:X1 40 :Y1 50 :X2 60 :Y2 70)
scene stats (:MIN 3257 :MAX 3421 :MEAN 3217 :PIXEL-COUNT 19200)
 -> 0,0:159,119: (0 0 159 119)
shutter position control: :IDLE
ffc status: :READY
gain-mode: :HIGH
  -> auto: (2 0)
gain-mode: :AUTO
  -> high: (0 0)
ffc-state: :DONE
gain mode params: (:X1 0 :Y1 0 :X2 159 :Y2 119 :P-HIGH-TO-LOW 25 :P-LOW-TO-HIGH
                   90 :C-HIGH-TO-LOW 115 :C-LOW-TO-HIGH 85 :T-HIGH-TO-LOW 388
                   :T-LOW-TO-HIGH 358 :ROI-POPULATION 19200 :TEMP-ENABLED 1
color lut: :GREYSCALE
focus calculation: :DISABLE
focus roi: (:X1 1 :Y1 1 :X2 158 :Y2 118)
focus threshold: 30
focus metric: 0
freeze: NIL
low-gain color lut: :GREYSCALE
video-format: :RAW14

part number "500-0771-01" ("Lepton 3.5")
software version: (:GPP (3 3 26) :DSP (3 3 26) :RESERVED 0)
video output enable: :ENABLED
oem video format: :RAW14
oem video source: :COOKED
customer part number: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
constant output value: 0
ffc normalization target: 4096
frame mean intensity: 3257
gpio mode: :GPIO
gpio vsync phase delay: 0
user-defaults: :NOT-WRITTEN
shutter-profile: (:CLOSE 4 :OPEN 1)
thermal shutdown enable: :ENABLED
bad-pixel-replacement-control: :ENABLED
temporal filter: :ENABLED
column noise filter: :ENABLED
pixel noise filter: :ENABLED
rfbo params: (:R 354747 :B 1435.0 :F 1.0 :O 391.358)
radiometry control: :ENABLED
tshutter mode: :CAL
tshutter temp: 30000
rad run status: :READY
flux linear params: (:SCENE-EMISSIVITY 100.0 :T-BG-K 295.15 :TAU-WINDOW 100.0
                     :T-WINDOW-K 295.15 :TAU-ATM 100.0 :T-ATM-K 295.15
                     :REFL-WINDOW 0.0 :T-REFL-K 295.15)
t-linear: :ENABLED, resolution :|0.01|, auto NIL
spotmeter roi: (:X1 59 :Y1 79 :X2 60 :Y2 80)
spotmeter value: (:VALUE 296.77 :MAX 296.8 :MIN 296.74 :POPULATION 4)
spotmeter value (f): (:VALUE 74.51599 :MAX 74.56999 :MIN 74.46199 :POPULATION 4)
low gain rfbo params: (:R 102145 :B 1470.0 :F 1.0 :O 353.796)
agc: NIL
agc policy: :HEQ
agc roi: (:X1 0 :Y1 0 :X2 159 :Y2 119)
agc histogram: (:MIN 0 :MAX 16383 :MEAN 3847 :PIXELS 14560)
heq dampening factor: 0
heq clip limits: 512 19200
heq output scale: :8-BITS
heq linear %: 20
agc calculation enabled: :ENABLED