
Building blocks for Elastic queries, filters, and aggregations which can be re-used, combined, and nested.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Elastic Particles

Building blocks for Elastic queries, filters, and aggregations which can be re-used, combined, and nested. In other words, it's an elasticsearch query builder.


basic usage

let locationTermQuery = new ep.TermQuery('age', 23);
let genderTermQuery = new ep.TermQuery('gender', 'M');

let boolMustQuery = new ep.BoolQuery().must([locationTermQuery, genderTermQuery]);

//each helper method on ElasticQuery returns iteself to support chaining.
let esQuery = new ep.ElasticQuery()
  .setIncludeFields(['personId', 'gender', 'age', 'zipcode'])
  .addAggregation(new ep.TermsAgg('zipcode'));