React Checkout Form
Project Description This project was made to practice forms, toggle effects and UX design in React. Live Link: React Checkout Form.
Available Scripts
For development
yarn start
Browser will open to http://localhost:3000/
For production
yarn build
Output: build folder
update homepage in package.json
yarn deploy
Feature List
- SPA eCommerce Checkout Form
- Dynamic Form Content
- SASS with Reactstrap and Bootstrap 4
- Font Awesome for React
- React Credit Card Input
- React Toggle Components
Planned additions
- Create Back-End with Database
- Integrate with eCommerce Demo
What I've learned
- Working with Pure React
- Creating React Toggle Component
- Calling methods from Parent to Children
- Passing Props between Siblings
- Installing dependencies and configuration
- Deploying to gh-pages
- Responsive Layout and SASS
- How awesome React really is!