
A self hosted Discord bot to display your pc stats.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A self hosted Discord bot to display your pc stats.




  • Displays stats like CPU Usage, Memory, Storage and Battery

  • View or share your PC stats with anyone on Discord

  • Easy to get started

  • One of a kind

  • Modular design


Download the repo as a zip and extract it to a folder. Open a command prompt in that folder and and then run the command npm install or yarn install (needs Node.js).

  • Rename the file config_example.json to config.json.
  • Goto Discord Developer Page and make a new application.
  • Give it any name.
  • Then go to the OAuth2 tab and copy the ClientID and paste it in the config.json file copy client id from General information tab
  • Copy the token value from the Bot tab and paste it in the config.json file copy token from Bot tab
  • In the same Bot tab, scroll down and make sure that the 'Message Content' priviledged intent is enabled. enable message content intent from Bot tab


Either run start.cmd or open a terminal and run node server.js
For the first run, click on the invite link in the terminal and add the bot to whichever server you want, then goto any channel in that server where you want the stats and type s.start


  • s.help - Shows a help message
  • s.ping - Check API latency
  • s.start - Start the bot (run this only the first time)
  • s.stop - Stop the bot


This is the configuration file used by the program.

Key Type Value
token string The token of the bot from Discord Developer Page
clientID string The client ID of the bot from Discord Developer Page
interval integer The time in seconds to wait before updating the stats each time
title string Will be displayed in the first row of the Bot message
displayActivity boolean | string Whether to show a presence for the bot. If it is a string, thent the presence will be set to that value.
displayTimestamp boolean|string Which timestamp format should be displayed. One of true, false, '24h' or '12h'
components object An object with key as component name and value as enabled status

Available Components

Name Description
battery Shows battery percentage and charging status
memoryUsage Shows used memory and total memory
cpuUsage Shows CPU usage percentage
storageUsage Shows used storage and total storage

Example config.json

    "token": "token from bot section of discord developer page",
    "clientID": "client id from oauth2 section of discord developer page",
    "interval": 30,
    "title": "pc-statbot",
    "displayActivity": "Stats for Delano's PC. See s.help",
    "displayTimestamp": true,
    "components": {
      "battery": true,
      "cpuUsage": true,
      "memoryUsage": true,
      "storageUsage": true

Bugs / Suggestions

Report any bugs / glitches, or make a suggestion using the github issues section or join the support server Join Server.

Other bots

Check out my other bots


Join the Discord Server: 3ddelano Cafe
Support the creator
Buy Me A Coffee
