A set of tools working with cameras inside max.
- Focus Camera On The Nearest Object [View Center]
- Get current camera's target, or get camera
- Create a Camera Rig that is centered around the currently selected Object
- Animate the current object to Viewport and then to target
- Create New Camera From Viewport for Arnold, VRAY, Corona, Scanline, FStorm
- Lense Presets [21mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 105mm] for Camera and Viewport
- Aspect Presets [16:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 1:1, 0.675:1]
- Animation: Adds a new animation Layer: Noise Controller/ Rotation Controller, Animation Layer 360°, Aim Camera Target At Selected
- Set Render Resolution
- Set Animation Range
- Camera List: Single Click: Select Camera, Double Click: Change View To Cam, Right Click: Go To Former View
Version History
-- V 0.8 the key range is shown if the camera is animated, bug fixes (camera focus), octane support
-- V 0.9 new sorting function to make the focus more reliable, bug fixes
-- The script is now a macro script, just drag and drop the .mcr-file onto the viewport
A quick preview of some of the functions: