hypervisor enforced patch protection for the linux kernel with xen + libvmi, libvmi KASLR offset spoofer
- 0n3t04ll
- aweMinchoo
- bhrdn
- Bix3
- buzzer-reBrazil
- centr0id
- crimsonskylarkIrithyll of the Boreal Valley
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- godvinoBengaluru, India
- hulto
- Idov31mov eax, [ebp+location]
- JunkiEDMCanada
- killvxkUSSR
- koutsie@digilolnet
- ldebug
- ll11l1lIllIl1lllNothing to see here, move along.
- mav8557Rochester Institute of Technology
- meowswordRussia
- mwatkins-leviathan
- nderjungGermany
- nelixmelbourne, australia
- netspooky
- rainysoul
- shparkSeoul, Korea
- siltyy
- tututu-patch
- vegkams
- yimingqpa