
Simple Vue.js starter project using Quasar Framework, official typescript extension and couple additional packages for class based components and class based Vuex store modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quasar - Clean Typescript Template

A simple Vue.js starter project using Quasar Framework with:

  • Axios
  • ESLint with Standard preset
  • Sass with SCSS syntax
  • TypeScript with class-based components
  • Vue-i18n
  • Vuex with class-based modules

Do it yourself

If you would like to recreate this project on your own or customize something, you can follow the tutorial explaining how this template was created.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Rename project name, description, author etc. in package.json and quasar.conf.js.
  3. Run yarn install or npm install command to install dependencies.
  4. Run dev script from package.json to run the dev server.

Previous versions