Simple Django API to Validate GUCians IDs
Inside your terminal, clone the repo and install dependencies in a virtual environement with pipenv.
git clone
cd GUC_ID_Validator/
pip install pipenv #Replace with sudo pip3 for Linux
pipenv install django
pipenv shell
Run the following command to Launch the server
python runserver
Finally, open this Link to Preview the result{ID} # instead of {ID} write your GUCian ID.
This input
outputs this
"Valid ID, Entrance Year is 2020"
Invalid Input
"Not a Valid ID :("
x(x| ) - yyyy(y| )
x(x| ) represents class number (can be one or two numbers) and has to satisfy the equation ( x(x| ) - 1 ) % 3 = 0
yyyy(y| ) represents student number (can be four or five numbers) and cannot equal 0
This project was completed as an IEEE enrolment task and was inspired by here Egyptian national ID validator.