
Extension Mercicor pour les récifs coralliens

Primary LanguageQML


Methodology for Scaling Mitigation and Compensatory Measures in Tropical Marine Ecosystems. The plugin is available in French only for now.

Méthode biophysiques d’évaluation des effets de l’aménagement sur l’environnement marin tropical.

Extension Mercicor pour QGIS

Tests 🎳 Documentation 📚


Running tests

  • In Docker
make start_tests
make run_tests
# Run a custom pattern
cd .docker/ && ./exec_tests.sh test_*.py
make stop_tests

# All in one, but slower
make tests
  • In your QGIS Desktop itself
    • Open the QGIS console
from qgis.utils import plugins

# Custom pattern
  • In your IDE, with linked QGIS library
    • Setup your QGIS_PREFIX_PATH etc
    • Right click on a test and launch it

If you want to disable the geopackage check for input layers :

import os
os.environ['TESTING_MERCICOR'] = 'True'
