- 0
Swift version error on Objective-C base project
#121 opened by gurhub - 0
Can't execute any requests
#120 opened by SolorzanoJose - 5
Background to main context finish notification.
#102 opened by AndrewScherba - 1
Datastack backup is empty
#117 opened by zanderxyz - 1
How to use two stack instances with the same model?
#105 opened by katunch - 4
- 3
Add support for 'External Record Files'
#39 opened by mariusfeldmann - 9
iCloud backup issue
#113 opened by kaszap82 - 5
Crash DATAStack.backgroundContextaDidSave
#111 opened by hei9gag - 11
Create new main context
#74 opened by Sorix - 5
Travis failiure on swift 4
#110 opened - 2
Swift 4 support?
#108 opened by falkobuttler - 4
Using with FetchRequestTemplate
#107 opened by TheSwiftyCoder - 3
Add a way to handle migration errors
#61 opened by 3lvis - 1
- 7
Optional relationship not returning data
#103 opened by pgawlowski - 2
Update 'Running the demos' instructions
#101 opened by JeffESchmitz - 6
add new initializer: init(managedObjectModel : NSManagedObjectModel)
#69 opened by OliverDobner-flinc - 0
Improve logic for handling migrations
#93 opened by 3lvis - 0
- 4
- 2
Issue with the drop method
#79 opened by 3lvis - 1
Change throws from Notifications
#86 opened by Sorix - 2
- 2
EXC_BAD_ACCESS on main thread
#83 opened by duzvik - 2
How to retreive Data using Datastack
#73 opened by jassimkm - 6
- 1
Fetch Data
#62 opened by kanumuri9593 - 6
Crash when using Sync
#56 opened by wh33ler - 5
- 10
Data on main context is not being saved
#46 opened by alberttra - 13
Main thread context not working
#28 opened by marcospolanco - 11
Data is never hitting persistent store
#48 opened by justinmakaila - 8
- 5
Add an error to `persistWithCompletion`
#45 opened by justinmakaila - 4
Carthage Support
#42 opened by justinmakaila - 6
- 0
- 2
Add strict mode
#16 opened by 3lvis - 4
Not saving
#27 opened by syky27 - 3
Unit test disposableMainContext
#21 opened by 3lvis - 1
UIAlertView is deprecated
#22 opened by 3lvis - 3
Calling drop crashes app (persistentstorecoordinator sqlite error code:522 'not an error')
#19 opened by denrase - 0
Add support for preloading from sqlite if found
#17 opened by 3lvis - 6
- 3
The async code shouldn't have a completion block but it should just return values.
#10 opened by kostiakoval - 5
- 1
Stop using NSThread!
#7 opened by kostiakoval - 1
Support custom xcdatamodeld name
#1 opened by 3lvis