WPP_Whatsapp aim of exporting functions from WhatsApp Web to the python, which can be used to support the creation of any interaction, such as customer service, media sending, intelligence recognition based on phrases artificial and many other things, use your imagination
- 1
- 12
WPP_Whatsapp module fails to send after continuous operation for a while - Unknown cause
#52 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 0
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
#51 opened by XYUU - 1
asyncio\tasks.py", line 922, in run_coroutine_threadsafe raise TypeError('A coroutine object is required')
#50 opened by homeplaya - 2
How to send video?
#49 opened by xds-sdx - 1
error to run example
#48 opened by apvdr - 1
using wpp_whatsapp and pyqt
#47 opened by subcriminal - 1
ForwardMessage not working
#46 opened by avremy - 4
- 2
In the latest version, the image transmission method "SendImage" fails to dispatch appropriately. Below is the error information.
#44 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 14
- 8
The program runs and ends immediately
#41 opened by rubslopes - 6
- 13
No such file or directory: '...playwright/driver/playwright.sh install chromium --dry-run'
#39 opened by rubslopes - 8
was working recently, updated to the latest version and just timesouts client = creator.start()
#38 opened by alexferra - 2
The usage of close() is causing an error.
#35 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 0
PlaywrightSafeThread async
#36 opened by 3mora2 - 4
whatsapp findout the robot
#11 opened by shahabbahrami13 - 2
delete message function missing
#34 opened by Gabri9292 - 1
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#26 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 6
Send Video
#20 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 1
Help send button
#29 opened by GS2023 - 6
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Wrong import of playwright
#24 opened by madina-kamet - 1
Does this app supports headless mode?
#25 opened by madina-kamet - 4
Enable Newsletter
#21 opened by Patrickph - 2
The size of the image is too large. Is there any good way to deal with it? Should I compress it myself or is there a function that can handle it?
#19 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 8
error:Hidden Browser creator = Create(session=your_session_name, headless=True)
#18 opened by Jeck-Liu-Create - 0
terminate thread
#4 opened by 3mora2 - 10
How to make client.getMessages() work
#17 opened by alexferra - 1
Browser selection made easy
#16 opened by Patrickph - 13
headless doesn't work
#15 opened by Patrickph - 4
Package as exe file can not run, how to solve?
#14 opened by xds-sdx - 3
- 2
Not able to Send Messages - 'Whatsapp' object has no attribute 'autoCloseInterval'
#13 opened by HaniaArif - 1
Windows Access denied
#8 opened by Adhithya-Pinghley - 0
Not import lib
#5 opened by 3mora2 - 3
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how to run it
#3 opened by aomar2010