Decentralized E-Commerce


ETHEReact is a full stack DApp; demonstrating e-commerce capabilities without any database powering the backend but the EVM standing tall! This is not a product in iteself but an idea for aspiring blockchain enthusiasts to uncover the potential; end-to-end!

  • This app is comprised of Truffle powered testrpc (which is also called ganache) facilitating local development.
  • Web3 bridges Ethereum to ReactJS!


  • Install latest version of NodeJS
  • Install truffle globally using npm install -g truffle
  • Install Ethereum RPC globally using npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
  • Clone this Repo using git clone
  • cd Decentralized-E-Commerce
  • Open a terminal/cmd and navigate to current working directory and cd into 'backend'. cd backend, instantiate testrpc server using testrpc -l 9000000000 -p 8484. ('-l' indicates available gas limit for the network. In test networks, this is at developer's discretion. '-p' indicate the port). You should now have Ethereum running on your local development machine. Leave that running!
  • Open another terminal/cmd and navigate to current working directory and again, cd into 'backend'. cd backend. You will now need to compile solidity contracts, migrate them to your Ethereum Server before front end is started.

    • truffle compile (On Windows 10, truffle.cmd compile)
    • truffle migrate (On Windows 10, truffle.cmd migrate)
    • truffle console (On Windows 10, truffle.cmd console)
      • Within console, we need the address (SHA256) address of 'Supplier.sol' & 'Customer.Sol' solidity contracts.
      • We can get that using Supplier.address
        • Copy the SHA256 string safely. We will need this later. [TAG - Supplier SHA256]
      • Get Customer contract address using Customer.address
        • Copy the SHA256 safely, We will need this later. [TAG - Customer SHA256]
  • Now, lets get the front end functional!

  • Open the file named 'EthereumSetup.js' (Decentralized_eCom/frontend/src/EthereumSetup.js)

    • Copy SupplierAddress from [TAG - Supplier SHA256] step to line number 13. (let supplierAddress = '<YOUR SHA256 Address for Supplier Contract>')
    • Copy CustomerAddress from [TAG - Customer SHA256] step to line number 14. (`let customerAddress = '').
    • Save file EthereumSetup.js
  • Open a new terminal/cmd and navigate to current working directory and cd into 'frontend'. cd frontend

  • npm install

  • npm start to bring the front end to life!