
An easy to use, fast, and Rx-powered dynamic theme engine for Android apps.

Primary LanguageJava


Aesthetic is an easy to use, fast, Rx-powered theme engine for Android applications.

jCenter Build Status Codacy Badge License

Table of Contents

  1. Gradle Dependency
  2. Integration
  3. Basics
    1. Basic Theme Colors
    2. Status Bar
    3. Navigation Bar
    4. Text Colors
    5. Activity Styles
    6. Window Background
    7. View Backgrounds
  4. Drawer Layouts
  5. Tab Layouts
  6. Bottom Navigation
  7. Collapsible Toolbar Layouts

Gradle Dependency

The Gradle dependency is available via jCenter. jCenter is the default Maven repository used by Android Studio.

Add this to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    // ... other dependencies
    compile 'com.afollestad:aesthetic:0.0.1'


The easiest way to integrate the library is to have your Activities extend AestheticActivity. This allows the library to handle lifecycle changes for you:

public class MainActivity extends AestheticActivity {
  public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // setContentView(...), etc.
    // If we haven't set any defaults, do that now
    if (Aesthetic.isFirstTime()) {

If you don't want to extend AestheticActivity, there are a few methods you need to call:

public class AestheticActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Aesthetic.attach(this); // MUST come before super.onCreate(...)

  protected void onResume() {

  protected void onPause() {

You should also call Aesthetic.destroy() when your app is exiting.

public class App extends Application {

  public void onTerminate() {


Basic Theme Colors

The primary color and accent color are the two base theme colors used by apps. Generally, you see the primary color on things such as Toolbar's, and the accent color on widgets such as EditText's, CheckBox's, RadioButton's, Switch's, SeekBar's, ProgressBar's, etc.


You use Aesthetic.get() to retrieve the current attached Aesthetic instance, set theme properties, and apply() theme. This will trigger color changes in the visible screen without recreating it, and the properties will be persisted automatically.

Status Bar

The status bar is the bar on the top of your screen that shows notifications, the time, etc. (I'm sure you're aware of that). Per the Material Design guidelines, the status bar color should be a slightly darker version of the primary color. You can manually set the color:


Or you can have it automatically generated from the primary color (you need to set the primary color first):


By default, Aesthetic will automatically use light status bar mode (on Android Marshmallow and above) if your status bar color is light. You can modify this behavior:

// AUTO is the default. ON forces light status bar mode, OFF forces it to stay disabled.

Navigation Bar

By default, the navigation bar on the bottom of your screen is black. You can set it to any color you wish, although generally it should be the same as your primary color if not black or transparent:


You can automatically set it to the primary color, also (you need to set the primary color first):


Text Colors

You can customize text colors which are used on TextView's, EditText's, etc.


Take this layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    android:text="Hello, world!"

    android:text="My name is Aidan."


The first TextView will use whatever value you set to primaryTextColorRes automatically. The second TextView will use whatever value you set to secondaryTextColorRes automatically. Aesthetic handles swapping stock attributes with your dynamic values during view inflation.

For EditText's, the primary text color is always used as the text color, while the secondary text color is always used for the hint text color.

Activity Styles

Aesthetic allows you to change the actual styles.xml theme applied to Activity's:

// Apply an overall light theme

// Apply an overall dark theme

isDark is important, it's used as a hint by this library for various things. For an example, with a Switch widget, the unchecked state is either light gray or dark gray based on whether it's being used with a dark theme or light theme.

When activityTheme is changed, apply() will recreate the visible Activity. This is the ONLY property which requires a recreate.

Window Background

Aside from changing the entire base theme of an Activity, you can also change just the window background:


View Backgrounds

When you set stock or AppCompat attributes to the background of certain views, Aesthetic will swap out the attribute with your dynamic theme colors at inflation time:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  android:orientation="vertical" />

Above, ?colorAccent is an attribute provided by AppCompat. Aesthetic will automatically set the background to whatever accentColor you have set.

You could also use: ?colorPrimary, ?colorPrimaryDark, ?android:windowBackground, ?android:textColorPrimary, ?android:textColorPrimaryInverse, ?android:textColorSecondary, ?android:textColorSecondaryInverse.

Drawer Layouts

When your Activity has a DrawerLayout at its root, your status bar color will get set to the DrawerLayout instead of the Activity, and the Activity's status bar color will be made transparent per the Material Design guidelines (so that the drawer goes behind the status bar).

If you use NavigationView, it will be themed automatically, also. You can customize behavior:

// Checked nav drawer item will use your set primary color

// Checked nav drawer item will use your set accent color

In addition, unselected nav drawer items will be shades of white or black based on the set isDark value.

Tab Layouts

Tab Layouts from the Design Support library are automatically themed.

You can customize background theming behavior:

// The background of the tab layout will match your primary theme color. This is the default.

// The background of the tab layout will match your accent theme color.

And indicator (underline) theming behavior:

// The selected tab underline will match your primary theme color.

// The selected tab underline will match your accent theme color. This is the default.

The color of icons and text in your tab layout will automatically be white or black, depending on what is more visible over the set background color.

Bottom Navigation

Bottom Navigation Views from the Design Support library are automatically themed.

You can customize background theming behavior:

// The background of the bottom tabs will match your primary theme color.

// The background of the bottom tabs will match your status bar theme color.

// The background of the bottom tabs will match your accent theme color.

// The background of the bottom tabs will be dark gray or white depending on the isDark() property.
// This is the default.

You can also customize icon/text theming behavior:

// The selected tab icon/text color will match your primary theme color.

// The selected tab icon/text color will match your accent theme color. This is the default.

// The selected tab icon/text color will be black or white depending on which is more visible 
// over the background of the bottom tabs.

Collapsible Toolbar Layouts

Collapsible Toolbar Layouts are automatically themed, as seen in the sample project.

In the sample layout, we automatically set the accent color to the expanded view. The collapsed toolbar color will match whatever color your toolbar uses, which is the primary theme color by default. You'll also notice that the icons and title color are updated to be most visible over the background color.