
Web App for nominating movies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movies Nominations Demo Web App


This is a demo app meant for Shopify job application. It uses IMDB free web API to display a list of movies based on user search, with ability to nominate up to 5 movies.

Application snapshot

Development Stack and dependencies

Library Description
React.js FE JS Library
Bootstrap for common css [plus custom css placed in index.css]
Fontawesome for icons
Axios for API fetch calls
cuid for react map list unique keys

Online Access

This app has been deployed to Netlify, use below link to access the online version.

Movie Nominations App

Features List

Feature Description
Search Box Text will be trimmed, to execute hit enter or click on the search icon
Search Results List of returned search results
Nominations List of nominated movies by the user
Movie Info card The search results are summarized in a horizontal card - sample show below
Nominated Movie card Once a movie gets nominated, it shows up under the Nominations list, the nominate button will get disabled. to remove a nominee, simply click the Remove button which will remove the movie from the nominations list, and re-activate the nominate button on the search results list.
Stars Rating Each movie has Stars rating (out of 5 stars) to show the IMDB rating in visual representation.
Persistent Nomination Nominations are stored persistently on the client local storage so they are retained in case user leaves the page.

horizontal card horizontal card

Installation on a local machine instructions

If you prefer to install a local version of this app, please follow the following simple instructions on VsCode or your preferred IDE.

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine, using Bash Git terminal

git clone https://github.com/3mrfouad/MoviesNominationsApp

  1. change directory inside the project folder

cd MoviesNominationsApp

  1. run below command to install required dependencies

npm install

  1. run below command to start the application

npm start

It will automatically open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.\