
Primary LanguageGo

wapp - web application part pot

i forgot about the exact naming lol

but why does this exist.

well i wanted to build a front-/backend web framework.


  • component architecture
  • server side rendered components
  • frontend html injection with htmx
  • option to choose how output is rendered
    • html - for displaying with htmx
    • json - for building apis
    • xml - idk for lols
  • each module should be able to:
    • add a parent menu
    • have submodules
    • have a page
    • have data endpoint
    • have validation options for endpoint
    • have data transformation options

build your binary

build as static binary, stripped (-s & -w)

go build -ldflags "-s -w -extldflags=-static" -buildvcs=false .

(optional) but reduces binary size dramatically

then compress with upx (will be detected as a virus in some cases) and then uncompressed at runtime

upx --brute <name>

benchmark for binary size

script to get sizes in table below

go build -o test-app-normal .
go build -ldflags "-extldflags=-static" -buildvcs=false -o test-app-static .
go build -ldflags "-s -w -extldflags=-static" -buildvcs=false -o test-app-static-stripped .
go build -ldflags "-s -w -extldflags=-static" -buildvcs=false -o test-app-static-stripped-upx . && upx --brute test-app-static-stripped-upx

with test-app

methods size
normal go build 15M
normal go build, static 18M
normal go build, static, stripped 13M
normal go build, static, stripped, packed with upx 3.7M