
A TLS Enabled Fake SMTP Server for Development.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Imgur Origami Mail

Notice: I am transitioning the name of this project from OrigamiSMTP to Origami Mail. This project will now be found at https://github.com/OrigamiMail. I am going to be refactoring some of the application to make it so components can be swapped out in order to create a pro version.

Origami Mail is a fake SMTP server with SSL (STARTTLS) support. The reason it was developed was so that developers could test their applications that require a secure SMTP server without having to change more than just a couple settings.

This project is the runnable jar file but you can download a easier to use application (also know as Origami SMTP) from the official website

How to Help the Project

The best way you can help support this project is by suggesting features via the issue tracker and posting a bounty for it. There will be a link to post a bounty after the issue is submitted.

Getting Help

If you need help the best way to obtain it is by visiting https://pessetto.com/submit-ticket. Select department of Open Source and the Product of Origami SMTP. Support has two levels you can choose from; free and paid. To upgrade support just wait for the response offering paid support and you will be provided an invoice for your request which can be paid online with a credit card via the billing portal.

Paid support will be invoiced based on estimated work required. Minimum of $10.00 (USD) charge applies to paid request.

Free Support

  • 1 week minimum wait time
  • Major issues may take significant time

Paid Support

  • Issue will be handled with no wait time
  • Major issues can be solved in a timely manner
  • Helps keep the project alive


This server requires:

Starting the Server

To start the server run the following from the terminal or command line. (Linux and Mac users may need to change the semicolon to a colon in the classpath)

Prefered Way:

java -jar OrigamiSMTP-2.0.0.jar

If you want to specify the port use the --port or -p parameter

java -jar OrigamiSMTP-2.0.0.jar --port 2560

Another Way:

java -cp .\OrigamiSMTP\lib\*;OrigamiSMTP-2.0.0.jar com.pessetto.origamismtp.OrigamiSMTP

The default port is 2525 but you can use whatever port you wish using the port parameter (-p or --p)

java -cp .\OrigamiSMTP\lib\*;OrigamiSMTP-2.0.0.jar com.pessetto.origamismtp.OrigamiSMTP -p 2560

Working with STARTLS

Since this service requires some custom configuration, you will have to load the Origami CA Certificate into your Trusted Root Store. If you are unsure how to do this on Windows follow this guide. You will have to do this on other operating systems too but at this time we have no guides provided.

Next make sure your SMTP settings set the host to localhost and not the IP address or the validation may fail, notably in C#.

You may have to download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 8. This extension may be restricted in some countries and may have export controls enforced by the United State Government. Since we do not have the funds for legal council this file must be downloaded from the link provided. Follow the instructions in README.txt to install.


Using Swaks

To use Swaks to debug you will need Perl installed. To do this on Windows we suggest the use of ActivePerl as we could not get it to work with Strawberry Perl. After that is installed you can use the following command to help with debugging.

swaks.pl -t john.doe@example.com -f jane.doe@example.com -s localhost -p 2525 -tls --tls-verify --tls-ca-path /path/to/origami/ca.crt

Using OpenSSL

To use OpenSSL s_client to try and debug use the following command

openssl s_client -connect localhost:2525 -starttls smtp

Previously was used in place of localhost so it may validate correctly now but has not been tested.

Helpful Tips

  • When working in Eclipse it is recommended to set the VM arguments to -Djavax.net.debug=ssl,handshake
  • You can use openssl to help you debug
  • You can use Swaks to help debug


Contributing is simple just fork this on GitHub and then send a pull request.


MIT License