
database import/export with python

Primary LanguagePython

diepy is

a stinky wrapper for you database needs

diepy needs

connection strings

these are specified in a configuration file. Configuration file found/used in this order:

  1. --config argument. If passed, this is the only file attempted.
  2. A "diepy.ini" file in the cwd
  3. A "diepy.ini" file in the users home folder.

The configuration file has a single section, servers, which has a key = connection string listing of servers, where key is the SERVER name you'll use on the command line.

test = sqlite:///test.db
production = postgresql:///user:pass@server

The connection strings are used by SQLAlchemy so refer to their doc on how to write one.

diepy does

db table references

  • SERVER is always required. it's the used to look up the connection string in the config file.
  • DATABASE is optional. will use default database (which can be configured via the connection string).
  • SCHEMA is optional. Will use default schema.
  • TABLE is required for exports. If not specified for import, the filename is used. TABLE cannot be used when importing a directory of files. In that case, the filename is used.

If you want to leave out an adjoining element, you can do this:



import a csv file

diepy import path/to/some/file.csv SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE

# use default schema
diepy import path/to/some/file.csv SERVER.DATABASE..TABLE

# use the default schema and database
diepy import path/to/some/file.csv SERVER...TABLE

# use the default schema and database and name table after file
diepy import path/to/some/file.csv SERVER

or a tab delimited file

diepy import --tab path/to/some/file.csv SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE

or a whole directory of files

diepy import path/to/some/files/ SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA 

let diepy create a table named the same as the file

diepy import path/to/some/file.csv SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA 


export a table to a csv file

diepy export SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE path/to/some/file.csv

# using the default schema
diepy export SERVER.DATABASE..TABLE path/to/some/file.csv

# using the default database and schema
diepy export SERVER...TABLE path/to/some/file.csv

export a table to a tab delimited file

diepy export SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE path/to/some/file.tsv
diepy export SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE path/to/some/file.tab

export a table to a gzip'd csv file

diepy export SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE path/to/some/file.csv.gz

export to an xlsx file

diepy export SERVER.DATABASE.SCHEMA.TABLE path/to/some/file.xlsx

xlsx exports will name the sheets using the table name.