
Utilizing Discord message as a database using JSON-like string. What this thing does is simply transforming Discord messages into a database by leveraging a JSON-esque string structure.


  • Day 1: Create the repository & create a README.md, and LICENSE.md
  • Day 2: Improve README.md, commit some file on the Python version first.
  • Day ?: ???


Read these cautions below before proceed to install this.

Note that using Discord message as your database, are not recommended or practical for several reasons:

  1. In a performance case: Retrieving and Searching data would be significantlly slower, compared to modern dedicated database such as MongoDb.
  2. Security and Privacy: Discord messages are NOT designed to securely store sensitive data, so be aware of this.
  3. Data persistence: Your data could be deleted or lost, leading to data loss.

Prerequisites (Unfinished)

coming soon...


There are 2 steps of installing, you can install via Python or NodeJS.

Installing via Python
  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/DaemonPooling/discord-message-db.git
  1. Navigate to the Project folder
cd discord-message-db
  1. Install depedencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Coming soon...

Running the tests

Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Sample Tests

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example

Style test

Checks if the best practices and the right coding style has been used.

Give an example



This project is licensed under the MIT LICENSE Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • coming soon...