
C++11 Library to implement bit string with similar interface to C++ Standard Library

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


C++11 Library to implement bit string with similar interface to C++ Standard Library (STL)

A Bit String is just a dynamic array (std::vector) while storing each element in one bit, and have the ability to dereference and assign individual bits


Interface similar to standard STL Containers as vector and string

  • Using similar interface to standard C++ Containers, as empty() size() push_back() pop_pack() substr() and others
  • Using iterators and array operators [] for easy access to individual bits
  • Overloaded stream operators (>> <<) to work with std::cin and std::cout
  • Integrated seamlessly with STL, can be used with std::sort std::distance and std::unordered_map

Support C++11 features

- Iterators and range based for loops

for (bool bit : bitString) {
    std::cout << bit << std::endl;
std::sort(bitString.begin(), bitString.end());

- User Defined Literals

You can create Bit Strings from string literels with suffixes _b _B _d _D where _b and _B are the same, _d and _D are the same

bit_string b1 = "101010"_b; // Each char is considered as a bit
bit_string b2 = "abcdef"_D; // Each char is considered as a byte (use the bit representation of each char)

Fast and Optimized

Optimized implementation and use of C++11 Move Semantics and Small String Optimization (SSO)


Can convert from strings and integers into Bit String and vice versa