
Utilities for Sublime(right now just copying the file path from the root of the current project)

Primary LanguagePython


Utilities for Sublime(right now just copying the file path from the root of the current project)

Current commands

  • Copy file path from root of current sublime project.
  • Copy Testify command for the current file(based on the root path). Highlight test class to run the specific test.
  • Copy import statement for current file("from dotted.file.name.from.root import "). Highlight something to specifically import it.
  • Copy dotted path for current file.
  • Copy path for js-tester(Mocha utility) of current js file


NOTE: You may have to cd into your "Sublime Text 2" directory, instead of "Sublime Text 3" depending on your version.


$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/ && git clone git://github.com/anthonymayer/sublime-text-utils


$ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages && git clone git://github.com/anthonymayer/sublime-text-utils