
Sets the daily xkcd comic as your wallpaper automatically .

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tiny python script makes the latest xkcd comic your wallpaper provided you set the script as a cron job .


Make sure you have the following python libraries installed ,

pip install requests
pip install pillow
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install gi

For installation ,

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saru95/xkcd/master/xkcd.py > ~/xkcd.py
chmod +x ~/xkcd.py

Now for it to automatically change your wallpaper, set it as a cron job. Setting up a cron job is easy, you can read about it here http://benr75.com/pages/using_crontab_mac_os_x_unix_linux .


Will probably look something like this ,