
A script that intends to check whether your existing stylesheet has any chances with Adobe XD and the supported stylesheets by their plugin.

Primary LanguageHTML

Does XD plugin environment support your stylesheet?

JS script to check that

Latest script run is on 9/10/2021.

This script intends to check whether your existing stylesheet has any chances with Adobe XD and the supported stylesheets by their plugin. Run steps:

  • clone that repo and run an IIS server (or any server of your choice) in the cloned folder;
  • fill style.css with your exising stylesheet;
  • make sure that your server runs on port 80 (or change the URIs in index.js:93);
  • open index.html in your browser

The file adobe-plugin-ref.html is a simplified version of https://adobexdplatform.com/plugin-docs/reference/uxp/namespace/css.html.