
This is a repo created for the different superteam bounties I will work on

Primary LanguagePython

Fixing Python Script with Eventlet and Redis TLS


The current script using Eventlet and Redis with TLS is facing connection issues, and it seems that Eventlet monkey patching might be affecting the connection to Redis.


  • I chose the versions below because they are compatible with each other

Solution Steps:

  1. Update Libraries:

    • Make sure you are using the latest versions of eventlet, Flask, and redis. Update them using:

      pip install -U eventlet Flask redis
  2. Order of Import and Monkey Patching:

    • Move the eventlet.monkey_patch() line to after the imports but before any other code that relies on those imports. Adjust the script as follows:

      import datetime
      from urllib.parse import urlparse
      from subprocess import Popen
      import eventlet
      from flask import Flask
      import redis
      import numpy as np
      # Rest of the script remains unchanged
  3. Separate Flask into a Subprocess:

    • Use the subprocess module to start the Flask application in a separate process. This can help avoid interference between Eventlet monkey-patching and Redis TLS connections.

      if __name__ == "__main__":
          flask_process = Popen(["python", __file__])
  4. Testing:

    • Before running the script, ensure that you have a Redis server with TLS support running, and replace the REDIS_URL placeholder with the correct connection information.
  5. Run the Script:

    • Save the script and run it

Check bounty.py for the corrected code This should work