
Simple HTTP proxy for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple (HTTP) Proxy

Simple HTTP proxy for node.js that pipelines content from back-end to front-end server with minimal buffer and minimal latency.


npm install
npm start


Name Type Default Description
HOSTNAME str The address of the server that serves the app.
PORT int 3000 The port the server will listen at.
KEY str null Secret key that should be passed in protected calls so that the server side "trusts" the client side (authentication).
TARGET str https://app.platforme.com/ The target server that the server will proxy to.
PRX_TARGET str https://app.platforme.com/ The same as TARGET.
PRX_KEEPALIVE int 600000 The number of milliseconds to keep the back-end connections alive in the connection pool
WHITELIST list [] A list of query params and allowed values. Query params not in the list are not checked. (e.g. WHITELIST="param1:val1,val2;param2:val1,val2")


Simple (HTTP) Proxy is currently licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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